
A Rust library for using ApproveAPI

Primary LanguageRust


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Rust API bindings for the ApproveAPI HTTP API.

ApproveAPI is a simple API to request a user's real-time approval on anything via email, sms + mobile push.


  • Send Prompt
    • web redirect actions (i.e. magic links)
    • custom approve/reject buttons
    • metadata
    • long polling
  • Retrieve Prompt
  • Check Prompt status
  • Futures support
  • Webhook callbacks


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

approveapi = "1.0.2"

Import the crate for Rust < 1.31:

extern crate approveapi; // Optional for Rust >= 1.31 

And add it to your modules:

use approveapi; //

Getting Started

To get started, we create a client:

let client = approveapi::create_client('sk_yourapikeyhere');

Now we can make API calls. For example, let's send an approval prompt to confirm a financial transaction.

use approveapi::{CreatePromptRequest};
let mut prompt_request = CreatePromptRequest::new(
    r#"A transfer of $1337.45 from acct 0294 to acct 1045
          has been initiated. Do you want to authorize this
prompt_request.approve_text = Some("Authorize".to_string());
prompt_request.reject_text = Some("Reject".to_string());
prompt_request.long_poll = Some(true);
match client.create_prompt(prompt_request).sync() {
    Ok(prompt) => {
        if let Some(answer) = prompt.answer {
            if answer.result {
                println!("Request approved");
            } else {
                println!("Request rejected");
        } else {
            println!("No response from user");
    Err(e) => println!("ApproveAPI->create_prompt error: {:?}", e),