[TODO: Why are we doing this?]
[TODO: What does this repo do?]
[TODO: How does this repo work?]
[TODO: How do users use this?]
Wordpress Plugins
[TODO: Give an example of how this repo is implemented in the real world]
[TODO: What OS is needed on the managing services]
[TODO: What libaries/apps run on the managing services?]
[TODO: What server setup is required to serve the assets?]
[TODO: Where does this live? What's the stack?]
To run Wordpress on your local machine
git clone git@github.com:approximatelylinear/owc-jellyrollers.git
cd owc-jellyrollers
docker-compose up -d
- visit
- go through the setup process:
- title is unimportant
- use the predetermined user and password for simplicity's sake (ask a fellow Jellyroller if you don't have this)
- use your actual @jellyvision.com email for simplicity's sake
- check "discourage search engines from indexing this site"
- click "Install Wordpress"
- You're done! ⚾️ ⚾️ ⚾️
To submit a plugin for deployment:
Create a feature branch with your ticket number and plugin name (/feature/45/SimpleGallery
). Add your plugin to the list in External Dependencies. Be sure to include your implementation and configuration details (how did you set it up?). Create a pull request on that branch. The only change on this plugin deployment branch should be the README updates.
[TODO: How do you deploy this repo?]
- [M] anager(s):
- [O] wner(s):
- [C] onsulted:
- [H] elper(s):
- [A] pprover(s):
[TODO: Attribution for any external help]