Based on borromeotlhs' dockerfile I wrote a more refined version that sets everything beforehand (no menuconfig needed).
Pull and run from my Docker Hub with the command:
docker run -it --name omega2-sdk-app -v /my_host_dir:/remote jlcs/omega2-sdk bash
If necessary (the built image being less than 1GB is an indicative) run make
to build the SDK.
To resume the created container:
docker container ls -a # Check the container's name if you didn't use --name
docker start <container-name> # Start the omega2SDK container
docker attach <container-name> # Start interactive console
Once you are in the Docker container, some environment variables are set (maybe not) for you to use:
mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc [options]
The compiler binaries are generated inside the directory:
Note: The 'el' in mipsel indicates it is a Little Endian version of MIPS.
Make a pull-request or create an issue.