Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm install npm run update-webdriver npm install -g bower bower install

Project structure

  • /app/** - all application angular files

  • app/<component> - all angular files related to component

  • app/<component>/*-ctrl - controller files

  • app/<component>/*-service - service files

  • app/<component>/*-test - unit tests

  • app/shared/css - css files

  • app/shared/directives - directives files

  • app/shared/partials - partials files

  • app/shared/services - shared services

  • e2e-test/* - end to end tests

  • package.json - stores everything required to install node.js app

  • README.md - this file

  • karma.conf.js - karma config file for unit testing

  • protractor.conf.js - protractor config file for end to end testing

Run Tests

WebStorm - Karma

  • Run>Edit Configurations> + > Karma

Webstorm - Protractor

  • Run>Edit Configurations> + > Node
  • Jacascript File: .../node_modules/protractor/lib/cli.js
  • Application Parameters: protractor.conf.js

Command Line:

  • Who knows?

Run Application

  • Make sure you have internet connection to connect to Parse
  • Run app/index.html from WebStorm or browser.

It just works! Sort of...###

Import tool

The import tool requires Java and Maven to be installed.

Open the file ....\tools\import\src\com\appsciences\Main.java and set the Parse API Keys in the lines 37 and 38.

In a terminal, go to the ....\tools\import location and run the following commands:

mvn compile
mvn package

Then run the following command setting the corresponding routes, please note that the lastest two parameters are the path for the CSV files to import.

java -classpath D:\Sources\PCS\tools\import\target\classes;C:\Users\guillermo\.m2\repository\org\apache\commons\commons-csv\1.0\commons-csv-1.0.jar;C:\Users\guillermo\.m2\repository\com\google\code\gson\gson\2.3.1\gson-2.3.1.jar com.appsciences.Main D:/Doctors.csv D:/Locations.csv