- 1
Multiple absinthe namespaces
#972 opened by maxsalven - 2
CheckIn.cron drains hackney pool connections
#970 opened by ftes - 10
Collect Ecto stacktraces
#885 opened by gmile - 2
- 1
Jobs cancelled via Oban Web are not properly closed
#914 opened by unflxw - 1
Implement a way to set span attributes without overriding
#869 opened by unflxw - 3
LiveComponents shown in "background" namespace
#940 opened by lunks - 1
Include last message from genserver shut down
#939 opened by tombruijn - 0
- 2
Alpine aarch64-unknown-linux-musl unknown architecture
#935 opened by yuriploc - 8
- 1
Clickable stack traces to directly jump into the source
#924 opened by ouven - 1
- 3
- 2
`Logger.error` does not log AppSignal Error
#923 opened by PJUllrich - 8
Oban instrumentation
#805 opened by unflxw - 10
- 0
- 12
AppSignal causes Phoenix to seg fault when a request is received on MacOS 13.6
#892 opened by navinpeiris - 2
- 2
Expose a way to clone the Tracer stack for a process
#895 opened by unflxw - 3
(Mox) testing guidelines?
#889 opened by thbar - 1
Oban "Insert job" should not be a root span
#890 opened by unflxw - 1
Provide logging feature through a logger handler
#883 opened by unflxw - 2
Are calls to `add_distribution_value` synchronous or asynchronous? Can they raise errors?
#887 opened by thbar - 0
Drop support for unmaintained Elixir/Erlang versions
#881 opened by unflxw - 1
Fix dialyzer warnings on Elixir 1.15
#853 opened by jeffkreeftmeijer - 5
- 3
- 13
How to filter out events programmatically?
#865 opened by thbar - 2
CI performance regression with Erlang/OTP 26
#859 opened by unflxw - 7
- 4
What can be done about performance? Adding Appsignal instrumentation increases execution and reductions by nearly 3x
#845 opened by pejrich - 0
Add OTP 26 to CI
#857 opened by unflxw - 2
- 5
Restore running CI on Elixir main
#815 opened by jeffkreeftmeijer - 0
- 2
- 5
- 8
Incorrect pattern matching in Appsignal.Phoenix.EventHandler.phoenix_router_dispatch_exception/4
#831 opened by benonymus - 3
Logging backend
#800 opened by luismiramirez - 1
Fix CI on main branch
#811 opened by tombruijn - 2
disable instrumentations changelog
#824 opened by mlineen - 8
Memory leak using appsignal lib
#820 opened by Kalaww - 6
Agent download failure when using hackney_telemetry
#802 opened by arjan - 0
- 0
Finch integration errors on versions below 0.12
#797 opened by unflxw - 2
Linking issue with Elixir on Alpine ARM
#795 opened by tombruijn - 4
- 1
Handle nil values in `set_sample_data/3`
#787 opened by jeffkreeftmeijer