problem: How should the backend code be present(in terms of folder-structure) to integrate new third-party hiring platforms/softwares which will have similar/different functionality from the existing third-party hiring platform integrations but have different API routes?
|-- common/
| |-- constants/
| |-- helpers/
| |-- middlewares/
| |-- auth.middleware.ts // Authentication middleware
| |-- error.middleware.ts // Error handling middleware
|-- candiadtes/
| |-- dtos/
| |-- candiadtes.service.ts // Candidates service
| |-- candiadtes.controller.ts // Candidates controller
| |-- candiadtes.schema.ts // Schema for Candidates
|-- jobs/
| |-- dtos/
| |-- jobs.service.ts // jobs related service
| |-- jobs.controller.ts // jobs related controller
| |-- jobs.schema.ts // Schema for jobs data
|-- other modules...
|-- server.js
Folder Structure
- the src folder will hold the logic based on modules/feature lvl folders
- each folder will hold all the components and logic related to that feature alone(example candidates/stages modules)
- each module will mainly comprise below folders:
- DTOs - all the interfaces involved to that feature alone
- similarly for the remaining three files(service, controller & schema) as well
- the things which are shared across multiple modules will be put within the common folder
Code Structure
Code Reusability & DRY:
For Interfaces:
- interfaces with similar logic can be extended from common interfaces.
- Ex_1: A platform level
inteface can be made and can be used to create interfaces for direct-Applicant(if any present on our platform) and client(company with job-posting); both of which are extended from the base level interface - Ex_2: The similar logic can be used to create payload/argument interfaces/dtos by extending base level interfaces
Module Level:
- Similarly common logic is written once and shared accross the modules when-ever required
Code Extensibility:
- Example Service File(candidates.service.ts):
import { VARS // object prepared from .env variables } from "common/VARS" export const createCandidate(payload, [token]) { // Determine the API route based on the provider in the payload switch (payload.providerType) { // this can also be reused via a common helper func case 'GREEN_HOUSE': apiRoute = VARS.GREENHOUSE.BASE_URL + VARS.GREENHOUSE.CANDIDATES; break; case 'HIRE_LEVER': apiRoute = VARS.HIRE_LEVER.BASE_URL + VARS.HIRE_LEVER.OPPORTUNITIES; break; case 'WORKABLE': apiRoute = VARS.WORKABLE.BASE_URL + VARS.WORKABLE.OPPORTUNITIES; break; default: throw new Error('Invalid provider specified in the payload'); } // make the POST API Call here... }; // getApprovedCandidates_func... // getRejectedCandidates_func ... // replaceCandidate_func...
In the above example, the common functionality from each provider can be differentiated based on the payload to perform the required action based on the service function.
If in some scenario, a certain functionality is only present in a third-party hiring platform then a separate service function can be created within a relatable/relevant feature folder.
- Example Service File(candidates.service.ts):