
Git and Mercurial server-side webhooks for triggering AppVeyor builds

Primary LanguageRuby

AppVeyor webhooks

WARNING: This is pre-release software - "generic" Git and Mercurial repositories are not yet implemented in AppVeyor.

When you push new commits to your remote repository you want AppVeyor to instantly start a new build for these changes. Polling repositoris is bad. Fortunately, both Git and Mercurial support hooks - extensibility mechanism that allows calling custom scripts on various server-side events such as "code received". Hook script collects the information about commit(s) and send JSON request to AppVeyor to start a new build.

This repository contains Git and Mercurial server-side hooks for triggering AppVeyor builds. For maximum interoperability between Linux and Windows hooks are written in Ruby. There is only one external dependency - json.

Installing Mercurial hook

Mercurial hook is called on changegroup event - this is run after a group of changesets has been brought into the repository from elsewhere. See Mercurial hooks for more details.

Hook can be installed system-wide for all repositories and per-repository. See Mercurial configuration files for more details.

To intall system-wide hook on Windows open (or create) %USERPROFILE%\Mercurial.ini and add the following:

changegroup.appveyor = ruby <path>\mercurial-changegroup.rb <webhook-url>

Installing Git hook

Git hook is called on post-receive server-side event. See Git hooks for more details. Server-side hooks are called on "bare" repositories only. Git hooks are located in <repository_root>\hooks directory.

To install Git hook copy post-receive.rb to <repository_root>\hooks directory as post-receive (remove .rb extension). On Linux set execute permissions on hook script file.

Git hook is configured through git configuration. To set webhook URL:

git config appveyor.webhook <webhook-url>

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