Wayfinder Terraform Deployment for Azure


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Define tfvars file - use example.*.tftest.hcl files as a reference for example values
  3. Execute terrform (init, apply)


An example workflow (GitHub Workflow and Azure DevOps Pipeline examples) can be found in the examples directory as well as an example tfvars file.

Updating Docs

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (https://terraform-docs.io/user-guide/installation/)
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/README.md --output-mode inject .


Name Description Type Default Required
aks_api_server_authorized_ip_ranges The list of authorized IP ranges to contact the Wayfinder Management AKS Cluster API server. list(string)
aks_rbac_aad_admin_groups Map of Azure AD Groups and their Object IDs that will be set as cluster admin. map(string) n/a yes
aks_vnet_subnet_id The ID of the subnet in which to deploy the Kubernetes Cluster. string null no
ca_org_name The organisation name to use for the CA. Required if using keyvault cluster issuer. string null no
cert_manager_keyvault_cert_name Keyvault certificate name to use for cert-manager. string null no
cert_manager_keyvault_name Keyvault name to use for cert-manager. string null no
clusterissuer Cluster Issuer name to use for certs string "letsencrypt-prod" no
clusterissuer_email The email address to use for the cert-manager cluster issuer. string n/a yes
create_localadmin_user Whether to create a localadmin user for access to the Wayfinder Portal and API. bool false no
disable_internet_access Whether to disable internet access for AKS and the Wayfinder ingress controller. bool false no
disable_local_login Whether to disable local login for Wayfinder. Note: An IDP must be configured within Wayfinder, otherwise you will not be able to log in. bool false no
dns_provider DNS provider for External DNS string "azure" no
dns_resource_group_name The name of the resource group where the DNS Zone exists. string n/a yes
dns_zone_name The name of the DNS zone to use for wayfinder. string n/a yes
enable_k8s_resources Whether to enable the creation of Kubernetes resources for Wayfinder (helm and kubectl manifest deployments). bool true no
environment The environment in which the resources are deployed. string "production" no
location The Azure region in which to create the resources. string "uksouth" no
private_dns_zone_id Private DNS zone to use for private clusters string null no
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which to create the AKS cluster. string n/a yes
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. map(string) {} no
user_assigned_identity MSI id for AKS to run as string null no
venafi_apikey Venafi API key - required if using Venafi cluster issuer string "" no
venafi_zone Venafi zone - required if using Venafi cluster issuer string "" no
wayfinder_idp_details The IDP details to use for Wayfinder to enable SSO.
type = string
clientId = optional(string)
clientSecret = optional(string)
serverUrl = optional(string)
azureTenantId = optional(string)
"azureTenantId": "",
"clientId": null,
"clientSecret": null,
"serverUrl": "",
"type": "none"
wayfinder_instance_id The instance ID to use for Wayfinder. string n/a yes
wayfinder_licence_key The licence key to use for Wayfinder. string n/a yes


Name Description
cluster_name The name of the Wayfinder AKS cluster
wayfinder_api_url The URL for the Wayfinder API
wayfinder_instance_id The unique identifier for the Wayfinder instance
wayfinder_ui_url The URL for the Wayfinder UI