
Packages repository for user-contributed Automation Programs, Widgets and MIG Interfaces

HomeGenie Packages

Packages repository of user-contributed Automation Programs, Widgets and MIG Interfaces for HomeGenie.

HomeGenie Package Repository Browser


To submit a new package to the repository:

  • create fork of homegenie-packages
  • push your package files into a convenient packages category folder of your fork
  • verify that the package get listed in HomeGenie by changing the repository URL in the package browser with your fork's URL
  • verify that the package get installed correctly
  • create a pull request to get your package listed in the official repository

How to bundle an HomeGenie package

A package can consist of a folder containing one or more Automation Program, Widget and MIG Interface. In the package folder also a README.md file and a package.json file must be included.

The README.md is a markdown formatted file containing a detailed description with usage instructions for the package.

The package.json file is a JSON formatted file containing the list of files that will be installed.

packages.json file format

The following is an example package.json file:

    "author": "Daniel Maillard (DaniMail)",
    "version": "v1.0",
    "title": "Fibaro RGBW",
    "description": "Adds ZWave Fibaro RGBWM-441 control capability to HomeGenie",
    "published": "2014-02-06T00:00:00Z",
    "sourcecode": "",
    "homepage": "http://www.homegenie.it/forum/index.php?topic=15.0", 
    "widgets": [
            "file": "DaniMail_fibaro_rgbw.zip",
            "name":"Fibaro RGBW",
            "description": "Widget for controlling Fibaro RGBWM-441"
    "programs": [
            "file": "Fibaro_RGBW.hgx",
            "name":"Fibaro RGBW",
            "description": "Fibaro RGBW driver app",
            "uid": "100201",
            "group": "Z-Wave" 
    "interfaces": [ ]

The widgets array contains a list of Widgets' .zip archives. The .zip archive can be downloaded from the Widget Editor page of each widget.

The programs array contains a list of Automation Programs .hgx files. The .hgx file can be downladed from the Program Editor page of each program.

The interfaces array contains a list of MIG Interfaces .zip archive. See the mig-interface-skelton project page for more informations about how to bundle an interface .zip archive.