
Boilerplate for chatting app with flavor, dartz, firebase and additional setup

Primary LanguageDart

FYI: This is a dummy flutter base repo that can be used to start a new project with below mentioned items already in setup

Note: Cloning and running this dummy project wont work first need to keep firebase google services file in each of the environment(dev/prod)for android and ios. Change dev/prod base url on network constants file, view the codebase and make other changes as per the need.

  • Centralized network requests using Dio and Dartz
  • Sample of repository and implementation of classes to make network request
  • Dev and Prod environment setup
  • Usable Route Generator setup
  • Firebase along with FCM setup
  • Analytics tool like Mixpanel, Firebase Analytics setup
  • Sentry and Crashlytics Setup
  • Background worker using Workmanager setup
  • BLOC/Cubit implementation
  • Light/Dark Theme setup
  • Screenutil
  • Usable Sign in with phone number screen
  • Usable screens for messaging and chat related ui

In this repo, you will find many utility functions, models that wont make sense to you. These to be ignored, deleted and you do your changes as per your need

Below are screenshots of this boilerplate project