
A Spring Boot Application to retrieve flag emoji for countries

Primary LanguageJava

Flag Picker RESTful Web Services

This sample application uses Spring Boot to build a generic set of services to retrieve flag emoji for select countries.

  • load data from json
  • allow retrieval of all countries and flags
  • filter by continent
  • filter by country
  • test the search function for various inputs
  • enable audit trail for data changes
  • enable metrics for services
  • DDL for Tables

Governing Principles

  • DRY
  • YAGNI (limit scope to specified requirements and add capabilities as new requirements are provided)
  • Provide for future extension (API versioning, additional country data)
  • Test under the skin
  • Sanitize inputs
  • Self-documenting code
  • Handle Exception gracefully and uniformly

Quick Start Guide (Eclipse)

Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/apratimshaw/flag-picker-ws.git

Use Eclipse IDE to Import Project

  • File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Project > Next
  • Select file path to the flag-picker-ws project
  • Done

Use Eclipse to build and run the project

  • Make sure you have the maven plugin installed
  • Build the project (if your IDE is not set up to build automatically)
  • The Spring Boot Application is at /flag-picker-ws/src/main/java/flagpicker/FlagPickerApplication.java
  • Right Click on the Spring Boot Application File and click on "Run as java application"
  • Done

Use Postman to test the application

  • The postman collection is at /flag-picker-ws/FlagPicker.postman_collection.json
  • Import it on Postman
  • Execute

URLs for locally running application

CURL Example - Get flag for country

curl -i  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/countries?countryName=India

Get Countries By Name


Get Countries By Continent


Get Flag for Country


H2 DB (used for portability of the project only)

URL to access H2 on localhost

  • JDBC URL - jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
  • User Name - sa
  • Password - (empty)

Metrics using Actuator


#Database Schema DDL File

  • The database schema file (h2) is located at /flag-picker-ws/DB_SCHEMA_DDL.sql