
Primary LanguageVim Script

Initial setup

Home dotfiles:

cd $HOME
find dotfiles -type f -maxdepth 1 |
  grep -v '^dotfiles/_' |
  grep -v '^dotfiles/vs-code-' |
  grep -v README.md |
  grep -v .gitignore |
  xargs -L 1 -I {} ln -f -s {}

mkdir -p .vim
cp -R dotfiles/.vim/{autoload,backups} .vim/

bin/ files:

cd $HOME
mkdir bin
cd bin
find ../dotfiles/bin -type f -maxdepth 1 |
  xargs -L 1 -I {} ln -s {}

Git config



# Any other non-global, overriding settings below

Useful conditional config:

[includeIf "gitdir:~/code/"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig-work

Then, e.g., in ~/.gitconfig-work:

    email = you@work.example.com

Global SSH Config

At the top of ~/.ssh/config:

Include "~/.ssh-global-config"

VS Code

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
mv settings.json{,.orig}
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vs-code-user-settings.json settings.json
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vs-code-user-keybindings.json keybindings.json
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vs-code-user-tasks.json tasks.json

Once everything is fine, rm the .orig files.

Install extensions using the list in vs-code-extensions:

cat vs-code-extensions | xargs -n 1 -I {} code --install-extension {}

Snapshot extensions with code --list-extensions --show-versions > ~/dotfiles/vs-code-extensions.


After installation, Homebrew will prompt you to add its own setup eval line to ~/.bash_profile.

Add it instead to ~/etc:

mkdir ~/etc
touch ~/etc/homebrew.sh
# add the eval line to `~/etc/homebrew.sh`

On macOS, brew install git to make sure you're not on Apple's built-in git.

macOS Terminal.app profile

Drag _terminal_app_profile.terminal into the Terminal.app's profile list. (Set it as default in the profile list.)

Upgrade bash:

brew install bash
# confirm `which -a bash` shows /opt/homebrew/bin/bash above /bin/bash
sudo vim /etc/shells # add /opt/homebrew/bin/bash
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash
# echo "$BASH_VERSION" to confirm


bin/coauthors reads from ~/.coauthors, which uses a format of:

alice,Alice Foo,alice.foo@example.com
bob,Bob Bar,bob.bar@example.com


$ coauthors alice
Co-authored-by: Alice Foo <alice.foo@exampe.com>