Barebones VHDL project files for Altera without the GUI.
Note Currently the script depends on the quartus tools being in the user's path.
Creates a directory structure and required Quartus project files.
foo (Project Directory)
- foo.qpf (Quartus Project File)
- foo.qsf (Quartus Settings File)
- foo.vhd (Top Level VHDL File)
- (Calls quartus_cmd with the project) - Needs Quartus bin in PATH
- (Calls quartus_pgm with JTAG program options and the nonvolatile foo.sof from output_files)
- output_files (Directory where Quartus drops some of the many files it generates)
This is a hack-n-slash first pass - it needs a lot of love to be super useful. Also the pin assignments are just dropped into the .qsf, currently only showing my two test LEDs.