
This is the repo for an incremental pointer analysis for Java programs. This repo has been adopted by WALA

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Incremental Points-to Analysis: Adopted by WALA Build Status

This is the main source repository for the incremental points-to analysis, developed by Automated Software Engineering Research (ASER) Group at Texas A&M University. Currently, we support context/flow-insensitive and field-sensitive points-to analysis. The source code is in edu.tamu.wala.increpta, and the tests are in edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests.

Get Started


  • Java >= 1.8
  • Eclipse >= Mars 4.5.2
  • Apache Maven >= 3.3.9

Set Up

  1. git clone the core projects of WALA (https://github.com/wala/WALA)
  2. git clone https://github.com/april1989/Incremental_Points_to_Analysis.git
  3. With Maven: cd path-to-the-clone-folder mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
  4. With Eclipse: Import the projects in this repo to a new Eclipse workspace; Follow the instructions on the "UserGuide: Getting Started":http://wala.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/UserGuide:Getting_Started to set up WALA.


All the JUnit tests are examples, which the core part is at edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests/src/edu/tamu/wala/increpta/tests/basic/IPAAbstractPtrTest.

Firstly, we run the points-to analysis for the whole target program, which has the same code structure as provided by WALA points-to analysis framework. MY_EXCLUSIONS includes all the packages excluded from the analysis, and Scope_File indicates the target program.

Secondly, for each IR statement addition/deletion, we perform the incremental analysis as indicated in testChange of edu.tamu.wala.increpta/src/edu/tamu/wala/increpta/ipa/callgraph/propagation/IPAPropagationCallGraphBuilder.

Finally, users can query the updated points-to sets by getPointsToSet().

Run the Junit Tests

The JUnit test file is in edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests.basic.

The test cases includeds all the test cases in com.ibm.wala.core.testdata/src/demandpa, as well as large benchmarks, e.g., h2, sunflow in Dacapo.

You can checkout the projects in the master branch, and import them into Eclipse. Locate the JUnit test (edu.tamu.wala.increpta.tests) and run as JUnit test.

You can also run maven script to build the project by mvn clean install, or mvn clean install -DskipTests to skip the tests.

Test Methodology

For each test case, we initially compute the whole program points-to analysis, record the points-to set for each variable in a map. Then, we start to check the correctness of the incremental pointer analysis:

  1. Delete an SSAInstruction, compute the affected points-to sets;
  2. Add back the SSAInstruction, compute the affected points-to sets and record the changed variables
  3. For each changed variable, we compare the points-to sets between the one stored in the map and the one after (2). If they are the same, it means we correctly updated the points-to graph. Otherwise, it violates the assertion.


The incremental points-to analysis can be embarassingly paralleled to improve the performance. For the parallel version, please change edu.tamu.wala.increpta.ipa.callgraph.propagation.IPAPropagationSystem.nrOfWorkers, which indicates the number of threads to perform parallel works.

About WALA

The main repositry for WALA is https://github.com/wala/WALA. For more details on WALA, see the WALA home page and WALA Javadoc.

Note: historically, WALA has used Maven as its build system. However, this WALA branch can also use Gradle as an alternative to Maven. See the Gradle-specific README for more instructions and helpful tips.