
A leaflet plugin to measure distances on map

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Leaflet plugin to measure distance on map. This repository is based on jtreml/leaflet.measure, the origin repo seems not to be maintained anymore.

Supported with current latest leaflet v1.x.


You can check the example here.


Assume that you have already installed Leaflet:

Enable plugin in map constructor:

var map = L.map(elMap, {
  center: [22.536836, 113.951513],
  zoom: 5,
  measureControl: true

Or, add it anytime you wish, with specific options:

  position: 'topleft'


The available options are listed below:

option default description
position 'topleft' Option from L.Control
keyboard true Whether to use keyboard control for this plugin. If set to true, you can use the defined key to toggle measuring
activeKeyCode 77 The key code to active measuring. 77 is the key code of M
cancelKeyCode 27 The key code to cancel measuring. 27 is the key code of ESC
lineColor 'black' The color of measuring line. Option from L.Polyline
lineWeight 2 The weight(width) of measuring line. Option from L.Polyline
lineDashArray '6, 6' The dash array of measuring line. Option from L.Polyline
lineOpacity 1 The opacity of measuring line. Option from L.Polyline
textColor 'black' The color of distance label. Can be set to any valid css color
formatDistance ~ The measure distance format method, output as m and km string by default. You can customize to any other distance unit(see example code below)

set distance unit to miles

    //  distance formatter, output mile instead of km
    formatDistance: function (val) {
      return Math.round(1000 * val / 1609.344) / 1000 + 'mile';