
A WIP Stardew Valley Inspired Game

Primary LanguagePython


This is a WIP Stardew Valley inspired game. It's not one I plan on releasing, really just making it to see if I can. But who knows, if all goes well maybe down the line I'll create something more polished to be released. We'll see :)

The assets for this game are hidden, because I bought them or got permission to use them for personal use only, but I recommend checking out itch.io for asset packs to create your own maps. There's a ton of really amazing creators on there, and they offer both free and paid asset packs. For character sprites, I reccomend checking out the Universal LPC Spritesheet generator. That's another free resource I found insanely helpful.

I'm making the game code available for anyone who wants to take a look at the code without sitting through hours of my youtube videos. It will be updated frequently. Ideally daily, as I'm working through the #100DaysOfCode challenge, but, well if you're on my github you've seen how well I've done with that in the past (not at all). The updates will range from pretty big additions to minor changes, depending on the part of the game I'm working on.

If there's something you'd like to see implemented, or if you have any questions about the code, or just want to chat, you can reach me here, on Youtube, and Twitter/X