
ReactNative app for Entrepic

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Professional Network Platform

Internally called proj_pronetplat_aa, the proj is short for project and the net is short for networking and the plat is short for platform while the aa indicates that this is the first implementation of the concept.

Publicly called as Entrepic a professsional networking platform, a platform for professionals, business persons, and entrepreneurs to grow.


Started development on December of 2020, I conceptualized about this in mid 2017 when I was still actively attending tech conferences, I saw people exchanging calling cards, some of them ran out of calling cards, some of them spent more than 500 pesos just of around 300 copies of calling cards.

First concept had a connecting mechanism inspired by shareit a mobile app for sharing files using wifi hotspots. Then while thinking about developing it, I conceptualized different approaches that I also plan to implement in the future.