About mockHttpServer

mockJSON is great tool when mocking ajax request with jquery. It is easy to use, and provides very useful templates. But it is jquery plugin, which means it is impossible to use without jquery like angular.js. The main goal of this project is to create a general XHR mocking server having mockJSON's template feature.

mockHttpServer is begins with Cloudspokes Challenge.

Basic Flow

  1. Register mockRequests/mockResponses to the mockHttpServer.
  2. Turn on MockHttpServer. Now all XHR requests are handled by mockHttpServer.
  3. Send a XHR request. If a request matches to the one of registered mockRequest, server will respond with correspoding mockResponse. If not, server will respond with error(status 500).
  4. Turn off MockHttpServer when you want to send a request to the real server.
  5. Whenever you want to use MockHttpServer, just turn on the server.


Include mock_http_server.js file inside of your HTML file's head.

  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/mock_http_server.js"></script>

Please make sure mock_http_server.js file is located before any other javascript files. If not, it may not work. This is because mock_http_server.js uses the trick to replace XMLHttpRequest object. If any other liblary(for example angular.js), references XMLHttpRequest before mock_http_server.js and use it, mocking will not work.

Simple Example

var mockRequest = {
  url: "http://api.box.com/2.0/folders/abc/items"
var mockResponse = {
  template: {"name|1-3": "@LETTER_UPPER@LOREM"}
MockHttpServer.register(mockRequest, mockResponse);

// now all XHR requests are intercepted by MockHttpServer
// now XHR requests are sent to the real server.

Advanced Example

var mockRequest = {
  method: "POST",
  url: "http://api.box.com/2.0/folders/abc/items"
  headers: {
    "content-tag" : /application\/\w+/,
    "authorization" : null
  data: {
    "name": "stars",
    "owner": /^james.*/,
    "directory": null
var mockResponse = {
  status: 200,
  headers: {
    "ETag" : "23n423o8ufjwleijr32"
  template: {"name|1-3": "@LETTER_UPPER@LOREM"},
  timeout: 59
MockHttpServer.register(mockRequest, mockResponse);

Box.com Exmaples

run example.html file. it uses js/example.js file.


mockRequest is an endpoint registered to MockHttpServer. When XHR request comes in to the server, server finds if request is matched to registered mockRequest.

Possible options of mockRequest are url, method, headers, and data. Among them, only url is mandatory.

url : URL of the request. can be String or Reqular Expression. It includes query parts.

method : "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"

headers : HTTP headers of the request. The value of header can be String or Regular Expression.

data : data of the request. The value of data can be String or Regular Expression.

requireAccessToken : see Setting Access Token section below.


The mockResponse is about how to send a response by server when XHR request matches to mockRequest.

Possible options are status, headers, template, templateName, and timeout.

status : default is 200 headers : HTTP headers of the response. Sets 'content-tag' as application/json, because response type is always json. template : Template to generate response data. Almost same as mockJSON templateName : If template starts with array, it needs template name to specify the size of array. For example,

mockResponse = {
  template: [ 
    {"name|1-3": "@LETTER_UPPER@LOREM "} 
  templateName: "books|3-3"

It generates, 3 book objects.

timeout : The delay time of response. Server will delay before sending response. The default value is 10(ms).

Registering/Deregistering mockRequest/mockResponse

MockHttpServer.register returns key of registered mockRequest. You can delete registered mockRequest by the returned key.

key = MockHttpServer.register(mockRequest, mockResponse);

Finding matching request.

How does the server find mathing mockRequest? The basic principle is finding the first one matching all options.

If mockRequest has only a url, then all XHR requests statisfying the url is matched. It doesn't care about method or headers or data.

var mockRequest = { url: "http://test.com/api" }


GET http://test.com/api => Matched
POST http://test.com/api => Matched
GET http://test.com/api with some header => Matched
GET http://test.com/other_api => NOT Matched

If mockRequest has url and method, then XHR requests should have the same url and method to match. It doesn't care about headers or data.

var request = {
  method: "post", 
  url: "http://test.com/api"


POST http://test.com/api => Matched
POST http://test.com/api with some header and data => Matched
GET http://test.com/api => Not Matched
POST http://test.com/other_api => Not Matched

If mockRequest has headers, server checks if XHR request satisfies the header of mockRequest in addition to the url.

var request = {
  url: "http://test.com/api", 
  header: { Auth: "12345" }


POST http://test.com/api with header {Auth: "12345"} => Matched
GET http://test.com/api with header {Auth: "12345"} => Matched
POST http://test.com/api with header {Auth: "12345", Tag: "some value"} => Matched
POST http://test.com/api with header {Auth: "222"} => Not Matched
POST http://test.com/api with header {} => Not Matched

The value of header may be String, Regulare Expression or null. What does null mean? It means this header should not exist in the XHR request.

var request = {
  url: "http://test.com/api", 
  header: { Auth: null }


POST http://test.com/api with header {Auth: "12345"} => Not Matched because Auth header exist.
POST http://test.com/api with header {} => Matched

data is treated same as headers.

Setting Access Token

Box.net requires access token for some requests. It responses error when access token is invalid. It can be mocked like below.

var request = {
  url: "http://api.box.com/2.0/folders/abc/items",
  header: {
    Authorization: "Valid ACCESS_TOKEN" 
var response = {
  template: {"name|1-3": "@LETTER_UPPER@LOREM "}
MockHttpServer.register(request, response);
request = {
  url: "http://api.box.com/2.0/folders/abc/items",
  header: {
    Authorization: "Invalid ACCESS_TOKEN" 
// error response
response = {
  template: {"errorCode": "PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED"}
MockHttpServer.register(request, response);

However, it is very inefficient, because it needs 2 mockRequest for every url, and need to set Authorization header for every mockRequest. Instead, you can set access token for the api.box.com host like below

   host: "api.box.net", 
   key: "Authorization", 
   value: "Valid Access Token",
   errorResponse: {
     status: 401,
     template: { "errorCode": "PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED" }

And then, register mockRequest like below.

var request = {
  url: "http://api.box.com/2.0/folders/abc/items",
  requireAccessToken: true
var response = {
  template: {"name|1-3": "@LETTER_UPPER@LOREM "}
MockHttpServer.register(request, response);

If requireAccessToken is set true, server will check access token for matched XHR request. If XHR request does not Authorization header, or access token is invalid, server will respond with errorResponse.

Handling errors

If error occurs while processing request, it sends 500 error with an error reason. So, when you work with MockHttpServer, use error handling callback to check errors. For example with jquery,

$(document).ajaxError(function(event, xhr) {
  if(xhr.status === 500) {

Error Reasons

  • Invalid JSON : when request body is not a valid json.
  • Access Token Not Registered : when mockRequest requires access token, but access token is not set to MockHttpServer.
  • Not Registered : when request does not match to any registered mockRequest.

Codes and Reference

All codes are in js/mock_http_server.js file. It is consisted of 3 parts, MockHttpRequest, mockJson, and MockHttpServer.


MockHttpRequest comes from MockHttpRequest. It mocks XMLHttpRequest.


mockJSON is imported to manage response template.


MockHttpServer provides an interface to register mockRequest/mockResponse, set access token, and turn on/off the server. When the sever is on, it intercepts XHR requests, works as a fake server.


Tests were written using jasmine. To run spec, run spec_runner.html file with the browser.

Thank you.