Event Manager Dashboard is an open-source web application for efficient event management and organization. It provides a user-friendly dashboard that allows users to create, manage, and track various events seamlessly. The dashboard offers features such as event creation, task checklists, and collaboration management. The application is built using web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js.
- Create and manage events with essential details such as title, date, and location.
- Track tasks and progress through a comprehensive checklist for each event.
- Collaborate with team members by assigning roles and managing event-related responsibilities.
- Responsive design for seamless usage across different devices and screen sizes.
- JavaScript
- React.js (JavaScript library for building user interfaces)
- Bootstrap (Front-end component library)
- Redux (State management)
- Axios (HTTP client for making API requests)
- React Router (Library for routing within the application)
- Node.js (JavaScript runtime environment)
- Express.js (Web application framework for Node.js)
- MongoDB (NoSQL database)
- Mongoose (Object Data Modeling library for MongoDB)
- JSON Web Tokens (Authentication and authorization)
- Passport.js (Authentication middleware)
- bcrypt.js (Password hashing)
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at duttaapratim11@gmail.com .