
🔱 Working with Concurrency in Go (Golang)

Primary LanguageGo

Don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating

Share Memory by Communicating

Or, in more deatil: Dont over-engineer things by using shared memory and complicated, error-prone synchronization primitives; instead, use message-passing between GoRoutines so variables and data can be used in the appropriate sequence.

When to Use

  • A golden rule for concurrency: if you don't need it, don't use it.

  • Keep your application's complexity to an absolute minimum; it's easier to write, easier to understand, and easier to maintain.

What Will be Covered

  • We'll start by looking at the basic types in the sync package: mutexes (semaphores), and wait groups.

  • We'll go through three of the classic computer science problems:

    • The Producer/Consumer problem
    • The Dining Philosopher problem
    • The Sleeping Barber problenm