
What is this?

SpaceGame was, at first, intended to be a very simple game written for Unity that (as much as possible) adheres to the SOLID design principles, and whose development is Test Driven. That lasted, I don't know, maybe all of a few months. While programming this game, and struggling to TDD the hell out of it, I came to have a much more Zen approach to testing and Unity, a few notes about which I wrote on my blog.

Long story short, I basically gave up on making a game through TDD, and I tried to focus more on the SOLID part of my initial goal. In so far as making a SOLID game goes, I'm not sure how well I went, but I think I got pretty close. I certainly have found ways to get Unity to do things I never thought it could.

As is, the game is currently playable, but not very interesting. It's kind of like a skeleton on top of which I feel like I could add a lot more. I am currently of the mind that I'll leave the project as is, or at least I'll work a little on some small refinements. I am not, to be honest, even sure half the things I did in this game (in the name of SOLID architecture) even work as well as I'd hoped they would.

Well, whatever. What's done is done.


The original rationale was that I am primarily a back end developer, and in that world, things like TDD, smart package management, and separation of logic and implementation are taken for granted. In the world of Unity development (and game development in general), these concepts are still there, but far less people see a point in using them. I wanted to see just how plausable it is to do those things.

What I found out is that it's much harder than I thought, but still may be a worthy goal for somebody else to pursue.

Currently usable?

You can currently download and play the game. You can look at the code and see how it all works.


I've decided to include all the dependencies that this project has with the exception of the Unity Test Tools, which should be downloaded from the asset store. And which, honestly, I'm not really using at this point.