
Android app featuring video recipes with ExoPlayer

Primary LanguageJava

Baking Recipes

This is an Android app that shares baking recipes with the world, created as part of the Android Developer Nanodegree by Google. A user selects a recipe and sees video-guided steps for how to complete it.

Skills Demonstrated

  • JSON parsing from an API endpoint.
  • Exoplayer to natively display mp4 videos.
  • Home screen widget with a remote grid.
  • Leverage of multiple third-party libraries.
  • Fragments to create a responsive UI on phones (single-panel) and tablets (two-panel).

Introduction grid on 720 x 1280p (API 25) in portrait orientation.

Two-pane UI details on 1920 x 1200p (API 22) in landscape orientation.

Home screen widget on 1920 x 1200p (API 22) in landscape orientation.