- 0
update 2024 feature standart webstorm
#552 opened by bowo9 - 0
- 0
Add escape sequences (control characters) support
#550 opened by Korb - 0
Add WebDAV Upload
#549 opened by Korb - 0
Domain hijacking for
#542 opened by numinit - 0
Unittests JS keeps failing
#548 opened by CasperNLD - 0
- 0
- 8
Java Runtime Environment "Wrong Size"
#541 opened by brandoncomputer - 0
aptana wsl integrated
#544 opened by mshalmanov - 0
System requirements MacOS
#543 opened by typonaut - 3
Installation error
#540 opened by gibbsr - 3
Aptana no longer usable on MacOS Big Sur
#535 opened by uwealtmann - 1 returns 404
#539 opened by veenadevi - 4
Aptana starts but exits with code=13
#536 opened by aditya-118 - 2
Installation Error: 12157
#538 opened by Ahirlabs - 1
jvm.dll issue still persists
#530 opened by Larthienn-mobile - 2
Install aptana on multi user computer
#517 opened by davisg1144 - 3
Aptana Studio won't launch
#532 opened by HosAdeeb - 1
Setup not wokring
#533 opened - 39
windows installer fails on windows 10
#476 opened by bjjohns - 2
JRE availability for Java 8 is ending
#500 opened by EdTippelt - 1
Cannot Download
#531 opened by Archbrains - 0
Publish Upload doesn't working
#529 opened by chukhanhvan - 8
Can't start on macOS Catalina
#512 opened by gandarez - 3
Installation instructions in linux mint
#516 opened by thiagocrossman - 2
Installation fails on Ubuntu 20.04
#523 opened by quinze26 - 4
Not installed, error
#524 opened by mrkaban - 0
Got The Same Issue
#527 opened by AwesomeKids652 - 7
Aptana Start Error MacOS
#498 opened by KajetanWitkowski - 0
Create a video tutorial on youtube
#526 opened by enmanuelmrtnz - 0
Does not start
#525 opened by UUSR - 2
apatana installes wrong java version
#518 opened by soomon - 5
- 0
Changing theme doesn't work properly
#522 opened by kzuraniewski - 4
Aptana Studio 3 for Linux crashes on start
#503 opened by Shoegzer - 0
Questions about the use of JS editor
#515 opened by Summer-DM - 0
Js researcher
#511 opened by Summer-DM - 1
Can't load any jvm.dll on windows 10
#510 opened by garymazz - 6
Doesn't install on windows
#496 opened by MediaMaquina - 1
what do you do when Aptana displays failed to load the JNI shared library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\bin\server\jvm.dll.
#483 opened by Brie-576 - 1
- 1
no 'bash' shell could be found
#497 opened by Eumolp - 0
Newbie info about the relaton to Eclipse
#502 opened by DerKarlos - 0
Bug when opening files
#501 opened by lucaspaulino - 1
Java version requirements not listed in documentation
#489 opened by WEP11 - 0
Corrupt Linux Release past V3.6.1
#488 opened by WEP11 - 1
version numbers broken on macOS
#486 opened by core-code - 0
- 0