
Fortran 2008 interface bindings to Lua 5.3

Primary LanguageFortranISC LicenseISC


A collection of ISO C binding interfaces to Lua 5.3 for Fortran 2003, to call Lua from Fortran and vice versa.

Similar projects:

  • AOTUS: Library that provides a Fortran wrapper to use Lua scripts as configuration files (MIT).
  • FortLua: Example that shows how to load Lua configuration files from Fortran, based on AOTUS (MIT).
  • f2k3-lua: Lua bindings for loading configuration files only (MIT).
  • luaf: Selected bindings to Lua 5.1 (MIT).


Install Lua 5.3 with development headers. On FreeBSD, run:

# pkg install lang/lua53

Use xmake to build fortran-lua53:

$ xmake

Or, instead, just compile the library manually:

$ gfortran -c src/lua.f90
$ ar rcs libfortran-lua53.a lua.o

Link your Fortran applications statically against libfortran-lua53.a and liblua-5.3.a.


The following basic example shows how to call the Lua function hello() in script.lua from Fortran.

-- script.lua
function hello()
    print('Hello from Lua!')

Make sure that script.lua is stored in the same directory as the Fortran application.

! example.f90
program main
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr
    use :: lua
    implicit none
    type(c_ptr) :: l
    integer     :: rc

    l = lual_newstate()
    call lual_openlibs(l)

    rc = lual_dofile(l, 'script.lua')
    rc = lua_getglobal(l, 'hello')
    rc = lua_pcall(l, 0, 0, 0)

    call lua_close(l)
end program main

Compile, (dynamically) link, and run the example with:

$ gfortran -I/usr/local/include/lua53/ -L/usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/ \
  -o example example.f90 libfortran-lua53.a -llua-5.3
$ ./example
Hello from Lua!

On Linux, change the prefix /usr/local to /usr. To link Lua 5.3 statically, run instead:

$ gfortran -o example example.f90 libfortran-lua53.a /usr/local/lib/liblua-5.3.a

Further Examples

Additional examples can be found in examples/.

  • fibonacci: calls a recursive Lua routine loaded from file.
  • library: calls a Fortran routine inside a shared library from Lua.
  • string: runs Lua code stored in a Fortran string.


Function Name Fortran Interface Name Bound
lua_arith lua_arith
lua_call lua_call
lua_callk lua_callk
lua_checkstack lua_checkstack
lua_close lua_close
lua_compare lua_compare
lua_concat lua_concat
lua_copy lua_copy
lua_createtable lua_createtable
lua_gc lua_gc
lua_getglobal lua_getglobal
lua_gettop lua_gettop
lua_isboolean lua_isboolean
lua_iscfunction lua_iscfunction
lua_isfunction lua_isfunction
lua_isinteger lua_isinteger
lua_isnil lua_isnil
lua_isnone lua_isnone
lua_isnoneornil lua_isnoneornil
lua_isnumber lua_isnumber
lua_isstring lua_isstring
lua_istable lua_istable
lua_isthread lua_isthread
lua_isuserdata lua_isuserdata
lua_isyieldable lua_isyieldable
lua_load lua_load
lua_newtable lua_newtable
lua_pcall lua_pcall
lua_pcallk lua_pcallk
lua_pop lua_pop
lua_pushboolean lua_pushboolean
lua_pushcclosure lua_pushcclosure
lua_pushinteger lua_pushinteger
lua_pushlightuserdata lua_pushlightuserdata
lua_pushlstring lua_pushlstring
lua_pushnil lua_pushnil
lua_pushnumber lua_pushnumber
lua_pushstring lua_pushstring
lua_pushthread lua_pushthread
lua_pushvalue lua_pushvalue
lua_register lua_register
lua_setglobal lua_setglobal
lua_settop lua_settop
lua_status lua_status
lua_tostring lua_tostring
lua_type lua_type
lua_typename lua_typename
luaL_dofile lual_dofile
luaL_loadfile lual_loadfile
luaL_loadfilex lual_loadfilex
luaL_loadstring lual_loadstring
luaL_newstate lual_newstate
luaL_openlibs lual_openlibs
