Terraform Provider: Aptible for IaaS

To install the provider locally, run:


Or, for mac ARM 64 architectures:

GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 make


GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make


Go to an example workspace as below:

cd ./examples/aws

Logging in

You can get credentials to work with this provider by:

  • setting an environment variable with APTIBLE_TOKEN before any terraform command (ex: terraform plan)
  • log in with the Aptible CLI (aptible login)
  • setting a token stanza in your provider (like below)
provider "aptible" {
  host = var.aptible_host
  token = var.token  # <--- SET THIS VALUE

Running Terraform Commands

You should now be able to use your terraform commands without interruption

terraform init
terraform apply


Debug with logs

In an effort to make development faster, we can add some overrides to skip terraform init everytime we make a change to our provider code. See here for details.

Create a file dev.tfrc in the root of this project

provider_installation {
  # Use /home/developer/tmp/terraform-null as an overridden package directory
  # for the hashicorp/null provider. This disables the version and checksum
  # verifications for this provider and forces Terraform to look for the
  # null provider plugin in the given directory.
  dev_overrides {
    "aptible.com/aptible/aptible-iaas" = "/Users/XXX/terraform-provider-aptible-iaas/bin"

  # For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
  # registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
  # the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
  direct {
    "hashicorp/aws" = "hashicorp/aws"

Then export an environment variable for the override in the shell where you are running terraform apply:

export TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE=/Users/XXX/terraform-provider-aptible-iaas/dev.tfrc

terraform init will still attempt to install the plugin so make local-install is still necessary but now when running terraform apply it will use the dev_override and not use the normal package.

Making code changes with dev_overrides

So now the flow looks like:

make local-install # only call this once
# cd into workspace
terraform init # only call this once

Then for code changes:

# make code change
make build-dev
# cd into workspace (or have separate shell open in correct dir)
TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform apply

# make code change
make build-dev
# cd into workspace (or have separate shell open in correct dir)
TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform apply

We now have a slightly faster development cycle!

Debug with delve

Instead of using log-based debugging (via tflog package) we can use debug-based debuging where we have a debugger attached to our provider binary where we can inspect variables and code execution.

Read about it more from the official documentation

The following documentation assumes you're using the delve cli. If you want to use visual studio code, read the official documentation.

The primary difference here is that instead of terraform running the provider binary, we use delve to run the binary. This has implications for environment variables. Instead of exporting APTIBLE_TOKEN in the shell where terraform apply is run, you set that environment variable in the shell where you are running make debug.

make debug # start dlv headless server

This starts delve in headless mode. The output of running this command will look something like this:

$ make debug

API server listening at:
# other outputs
Provider started. To attach Terraform CLI, set the TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable with the following:

make dc # attach client to dlv server

Set any breakpoints you want:

b internal/provider/provider.go:123

Then inside dlv repl continue (c) the execution.

Now, copy and export environment variable TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS in the shell where you are running terraform apply and then run the command:

export TF_LOG=DEBUG # for tflogs
export TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS='{"aptible.com/aptible/aptible-iaas":{"Protocol":"grpc","ProtocolVersion":6,"Pid":81791,"Test":true,"Addr":{"Network":"unix","String":"/var/folders/tr/86hx1jnj6f19nd3311mgs8340000gn/T/plugin3699290919"}}}'
terraform apply # run the provider

You should now see your breakpoints getting activated in your dlv repl where you can inspect variables and step through code execution!

Making code changes with delve

After making a code change, type rebuild in the dlv repl. This will rebuild the provider binary and kill terraform apply. Unfortunately because it's a new process, you'll have to press c to continue execution and then copy/paste the TF_REATTACH_PROVIDERS environment variable and then run terraform apply again. Not ideal but still a pretty speedy dev workflow.