🚀 Welcome🌈 , This repo is officially accepted for 🌟KWOC 2024🌟This repo contains my project on Travel Website ✈️ using HTML,CSS . It contains the landing page of a travel tour company website. If you have any front end project on this or you can add new features in the project or in this repos.
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TrendingTours Page
#1663 opened by tanmay0996 - 5
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Creating a better looking Logo!
#1569 opened by Ashmita-15 - 2
[Feature Request]: Improve Ui of the rating page.
#1662 opened by Archi-shaw - 3
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[Feature Request]: Improve the UI of the mentioned sections to improve user readability.
#1660 opened by Archi-shaw - 3
[Bug]: Dark mode for Plan a Trip page
#1625 opened by msv6264 - 7
[Bug]: Adjustment of Navbar
#1659 opened by bhavya-boda - 7
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[Bug]: packages page Navbar UI fixed
#1648 opened by biswajit-sarkar-007 - 7
[Bug]: At feed.html page twitter logo update
#1647 opened by biswajit-sarkar-007 - 5
[Bug]: spacing issue in navbar
#1654 opened by neeraj10122004 - 4
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[Feature Request]: Edit the Scroll bar .
#1652 opened by ShashwatAG - 6
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[Bug]: Pre lodder taking too much time.
#1609 opened by Adityadhiman0 - 3
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[Bug]: Navbar logo fix faq page
#1649 opened by biswajit-sarkar-007 - 5
[Bug]: View button lead to blank page
#1641 opened by kritiup - 2
[Feature Request]: Can add real-time weather updates in each destination page
#1640 opened by advika31 - 3
[Bug]: FAQ dark-mode heading
#1638 opened by saumyayadav25 - 4
[Bug]: Redirecting links of Services tab is not working, Logo not rendering on website and Light/Dark Mode inconsistency between Book Now page and website.
#1629 opened by Zubaida0113 - 3
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#1628 opened by Anchal-C09 - 1
[Feature Request]: Improve landing page UI
#1627 opened by Anushkam09 - 2
[Feature Request]: Add "Forgot Password" Feature
#1614 opened by saras-69 - 2
[Feature Request]: Enhancing UI of packages page
#1622 opened by shivam8112005 - 7
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The issue with the other broken links in About Us page not being redirected
#1613 opened by Zubaida0113 - 2
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[Documentation Update]: Want to add security policy
#1615 opened by Dipanita45 - 4
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[Bug]: About US page is not redirecting
#1561 opened by Zubaida0113 - 2
[Bug]: Multiple Broken Links, Errors on View
#1597 opened by murali127 - 2
[Bug]: Button UI issue in 'Best Trips Package' Section.
#1579 opened by LegendCK - 1
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[Feature Request]: Ui Enhancement
#1564 opened by RaviP9973 - 6
[Feature Request]: Creating Site Map Page
#1568 opened by VidhanThakur09 - 5
[Bug]: Double scroll bar in the website
#1572 opened by Shane-3 - 1
[Bug]: There is some issue with the packages section
#1558 opened by Nivesh2003 - 3
[Feature Request]: Back to Top Button
#1571 opened by AyutheCoder - 4
#1570 opened by shubhagarwal1 - 3
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[Bug]: In home section underline hover effect on plan a trip button is not coming in dark mode.
#1549 opened by Mayukh69-gif - 4
[Bug]: Check the email format while subscribing
#1547 opened by Ishika-Gupta06 - 4
Implement PR Issue Checker Workflow
#1543 opened by smog-root - 0
Github actions for more connectivity!
#1544 opened by smog-root - 2
[Bug]: Check mail format while register
#1548 opened by Ishika-Gupta06