URI Parameters Example Explanation
GET /users N/A /users [Test] Show all users and passwords.
POST /users username, password N/A Creates a new user with password in database if username doesn't exist or updates corresponding user password if the username exists.
GET /messages userA, userB, numMsgPerPg, numPg /messages?userA=Alice&userB=Bob, /messages?userA=Alice&userB=Bob&numMsgPerPg=2&numPg=0 Takes two users userA and userB (ordering doesn't matter) and loads all messages sent between them. Also takes two optional parameters to support pagination: numMsgPerPg being the number of messages to show per page and numPg being the 0-based page offset.
POST /messages sender, receiver, messageBody, messageType N/A Sends a message by taking a sender, receiver, messageBody and messageType. Default messageType is Text. If the messageType is imageLink or videoLink, additional metadata(currently hardcoded) will be stored.

To test the app, first clone the repo to your local machine and navigate to app root directory.

Install the dependencies: npm install

Run the app: node app.js

Test and play it! The app listens to port 3000, navigate to: localhost:3000/users