
Allows user to use voice commands to automate controlling of songs and videos being played on youtube. Key Area : Python ,Selenium, Speech Recogonization

Primary LanguagePython


  • The user uses voice commands to automate controlling of songs and videos being played on youtube.
  • Used Selenium to access chrome and youtube.
  • Used google speech recognization library for voice recognization.

Give voice commands as :

  • Play <song_name> : Opens chrome (if required) and plays the required song.
  • Disable/Enable Autoplay Mode: Toggles the autoplay switch present at the site.
  • Pause/Resume: user can stop or play the current song at any point of time by providing a simple voice command.
  • Start song from : This command allows user to play the video from some particular point of time. He/She can mention the time either in seconds or minutes.
    (Eg: play song fom 2 minutes or play song from 15 seconds.)
  • Replay : This command allows user to replay the same song which has ended.(works only when the video is over not in the middle.)
  • Start again : Command to play the song from beginning at any point of time when its playing.
  • Playlist : User can give their own list of songs, add songs to it and once done the system will play the list one after the other.
  • Add <song_name> : This command allows user to add songs to their playlist.
  • BYE : To exit player and close the site.