Instant Image Cloning using Mean-Value Coordinates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Instant Image Cloning



  • Use a static server to host the files to overcome the cross-origin restriction.

  • Open the demo web page, select a region on the source (upper) image, then drag the cloned region on the target image.

  • There are four moded for comparing:

    1. Composite: simply copy the source image pixel by pixel;
    2. Average: take the average pixel value of the two images (equivalent to alpha = 50%);
    3. Mean-value Coordinates: approximate the solution of Poisson equation by calculating the MVC;
    4. Memberane: just the difference imposed on the source image to obtain the MVC result (i.e., the difference of MVC mode and Composite mode).


  • ui.js: read/write canvas image data, mouse controls;
  • mvc.js: calculate hierarchical boundary, mean-value coordinates;
  • quad.js: construct quadratree, conjugate gradient descent(bug still not fixed);
  • cloner.js: get the boundary difference, produce image data to put on source/target canvas subject to the boundary conditions;
  • [lib]cdt.js: for Constrained Delaunay Triangulation, a few Node.js library;
  • [lib]underscore-min.js [lib]: some commonly used Js utils.


  1. Coordinates for Instant Image Cloning
  2. Efficient Gradient-Domain Compositing Using Quadtrees