
nodeJS serverside

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the server side source code for the CLoWN online presentation project, which aims to promote the interactivity of online presentation.

Set up

Prerequisite: node, npm, mongodb. Clone the release branch, run npm install to get required node modules.

Launch database server

After the first launch via mongod (with --auth flag), configurate the admin account:

  • use admin
  • db.addUser('admin','your_password')
  • db.shutdownServer()

Then launch mongodb via mongod with the flag --auth, connect by mongo, and type:

  • use clown
  • db.auth('admin','your_password')
  • db.addUser('clown','clown')
  • exit

You can also use your own configuration and pass them through command line.

See ctrl/settings.js to for what parameters to pass.


  • PORT=3000 HOST=localhost DBUSER=clown DBPWD=clown nohup node bin/www > express-debug.log &

Build & Test

Use grunt. Run grunt production to concat and uglify javascripts in public/javascripts Run grunt docgen to generate jsDoc. Run grunt test to lauch QUnit test.
