A visual theremin, here in your webcam!
Homework 2: Kinect || Camera, for Art & Code & Interactivity.
- Make sure you have ChucK and Xcode installed.
- Start miniAudicle and add heremin.ck to ChucK's Virtual Machine.
- (Build/)Run hereminDebug with the "My Mac (64-bit)" Xcode scheme.
- Sit at a normal laptop-using distance from the screen, in front of a relatively plain backdrop.
- Press B to establish a background against which the current webcam frame is compared.
- A user's hands are detected as blobs on the webcam via ofxOpenCV.
- This is a musical instrument! Control volume with the height of your right hand, and pitch with the height of your left hand.
- By default, the middle third of the camera is ignored during blob detection. You can adjust this masked region with the A, S, K, and L keys.
- Press R to reset the background and mask settings.