
Contact less control of apartment door using the Bluetooth Low Energy

Making your apartment lock smart with Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)

During the times of Covid-19, its time to make a contact-less door opener


During the corona crises, I decided to open the apartment door using my smart phone. I have documented in here, Github. It consisted of an esp8266 connected via Wifi to be connected to a cloud platform and a relay to drive the button. The problem with Wifi and electromechanical relays is that they are not power efficient.


The Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) and transistors are comparatively energy efficient. So, I decided to upgrade the door lock opener with BLE.

The idea is to use a BLE based board to be able to still control it over the Internet/cloud. The smart phone sends a request via [cloud](blynk.io), the raspberry-pi acts as a gateway between cloud and the BLE device.

Reel Board

The reel board made by PHYTEC is equipped with an Epaper Display, environmental sensors, and Blue-tooth connectivity.


To keep anyone from hacking away the BLE lock. The opening of the lock involved a challenge response. As soon as the central device connects to the peripheral, it can read the plain-text to which it must provide response after solving it.

Connected to the lock

Circuit Diagram with the Transistor

The circuit diagram can be found here [forum.iobroker.net](https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/7660/siedle-klingel-türöffner-mit-esp8266-und-mqtt/12) or [Here](https://forum.iobroker.net/assets/uploads/files/8530_schaltungt_.png)

Intercom wiring diagram

After looking at the multiple Internet forums to look for the wiring diagram for my intercom. I could only find a few links in German language. It pin-outs for the HTS-711 01.

Pin Name Function
ERT Signal to indicate a ring bell
7 Positive volts (12-24 VDC)
1 Negative or Ground
15 Monitor signal
16 Monitor signal

The voltage between the Pin-1 and Pin-7 range from 12-24 Volts DC but they have very limited current available ~ 15mA.

Blynk.io IoT Cloud

One need to install the andriod app from blynk.io. Inside the app, it provides some free credits to add different features inside the app. I added a button and a virtual blinking led. After creating the app, it sends the Auth-token needed inside the firmware. The firmware/sketch can be generated from the link below:


  • Update the source code from raspi and zypher

Weather info

The next step is to add weather support to be displayed over the e-ink display. To save the power the display only gets updated when someone is in-front of the reel board. The IR distance sensor on-board provides distance values.

Links and References and Acknowledgments

The Next Step

Put the weather info over it

Buy me a toilet roll/hand sanitizers or a Mask. Else a coffee, if we are out of corona times ;)

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