An example of using Pyodide in React
See Using Python inside a React web app with Pyodide for more details.
Pyodide is a Python interpreter compiled for WebAssembly. It allows you to run Python code in the browser.

This project is an example of how to use Pyodide in a React project.
This example project uses Vite to build the React app but you can use any bundler you like in your project.
to install the dependencies run:
npm install
to run the project run on your local machine run:
npm run dev
You will find the Pyodide code in src/pyodide.js
and the React code in src/App.js
is a wrapper around the Pyodide NPM package:
This file uses a singleton pattern to ensure that only one instance of Pyodide is created.
import { Pyodide } from "./pyodide";
const pyodide = Pyodide.getInstance();
pyodide.setOutput((text) => {
By default, Pyodide will output to the web console, but the setOutput function allows you to override this behavior so that you can display the output in your app or parse it in some way.
The run function takes a string of Python code and runs it in the Pyodide interpreter. It will also return the last value of the code that was run.
const output ="1 + 1");