
This is my portfolio site.

Primary LanguageHTML


My Portfolio Site Welcome to my portfolio site! This project showcases my skills and experiences in web development, featuring a simple HTML, JavaScript, and CSS structure with audio integration.

About Me I'm Aqib Mehedi, a dynamic and self-driven software developer with a diverse skill set and a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions. With over 2+ years of experience in designing, developing, and testing mobile applications, I am passionate about exploring emerging technologies, including computer vision and machine learning.

Project Overview This portfolio site serves as a digital showcase of my professional journey, featuring:

A clean and intuitive user interface designed with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Integration of audio elements to enhance user experience. A concise summary of my background, skills, work experiences, and education, reflecting my commitment to excellence and continuous learning. Usage Feel free to explore the site to learn more about my expertise and accomplishments. You can navigate through the different sections to discover:

My work experiences, including roles as a software engineer, trainer, and lecturer. My educational background, certifications, and language proficiencies. My diverse skill set, encompassing mobile application development, web development, UI/UX design, scripting, and graphics design. My passion for learning and exploring new technologies, evident through my continuous efforts to stay updated with industry trends and advancements. How to Contribute If you have any suggestions, feedback, or improvements to share, please feel free to reach out or submit a pull request. Your contributions are highly valued and appreciated as I strive to make this portfolio site a true reflection of my skills and capabilities.

Contact Information Name: Aqib Mehedi Email: aqibmehedi007@gmail.com Phone: +880-1777-81-88880 Thank you for visiting my portfolio site! I look forward to connecting with you and exploring opportunities to collaborate.