Proceed with text detection only in the selected area of the image
- aki29
- akshatsinghania
- aqntksseoul
- byq-luo
- cy8902
- Edward-Li
- franklegolasyoungNanyang Technological University
- goldtan@Seoultech-Inno
- HojinChoicoco
- JasonHan0
- jayhyun-hwang@Flitto
- jslee-muhayu
- Klassikcat@cartinitechg @dealertire-lab
- kn05Korea Univ. Mechanical Engineering
- kotai2003Tomomi Research, Inc.
- lucas-althoffUniversity of Brasília
- mahendrahendi
- muyouming
- nagatharun
- ningboxu
- pandamoon21
- qinjeremy
- ryujouXiangtan University
- saichandra1199
- saitej123Bangalore
- Se-HunHanwHa Life
- seekingdeep
- threefoldo
- VesninEN
- weizhao-11
- wqchenchina
- YevgeniySimonov
- yinrong
- ysimonovPerth, WA
- Zireael07
- zsjtigerVeeva