Database demo

This repository is a demo for database subject , Chulalongkorn University


  • Python3.6
  • MySQL

Quick start

  • run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install module
  • run python3 flaskr/ to run the application in PORT 8080
  • Optional run nodemon flaskr/ instread of python3 to watch files


GET /api/medical_staff

Get medical staff from database with / without condition  
Query Type Output
None None Get all staffs , return an array of object
id number Get a staff which match id , return a single object
type string Get staffs which medical_type match type , return an array of object

Object description

    "Address": string,
    "Birthdate": datetime string eg. "Fri, 26 Apr 1991 00:00:00 GMT",
    "Email": string,
    "First_name": string,
    "Home_tel": string,
    "Last_name": string,
    "Medical_type": 'Doctor' | 'Pharmacist' | 'Nurse',
    "Mobile_tel": string,
    "Salary": number,
    "Sex": 'Male' | 'Female',
    "Staff_ID": number

GET /api/medical_staff/<staff_id>

Get a medical staff that match staff_id  

GET /api/medical_staff/doctor

Get all doctors

POST /api/medical_staff/doctor

Add a doctor
Body Type Value
firstname string Doctor firstname
lastname string Doctor lastname
sex string Doctor sex
salary number Doctor salary
mobile_tel string Doctor mobile_tel
home_tel string Doctor home_tel
address string Doctor address
email string Doctor email
doctor_type string Doctor type
birthdate string datestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()

GET /api/medical_staff/nurse

Get all nurses

POST /api/medical_staff/nurse

Add a nurse
Body Type Value
firstname string Nurse firstname
lastname string Nurse lastname
sex string Nurse sex
salary number Nurse salary
mobile_tel string Nurse mobile_tel
home_tel string Nurse home_tel
address string Nurse address
email string Nurse email
nurse_type string Nurse type
birthdate string datestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()

GET /api/medical_staff/pharmacist

Get all pharmacists

POST /api/medical_staff/pharmacist

Add a pharmacist
Body Type Value
firstname string Pharmacist firstname
lastname string Pharmacist lastname
sex string Pharmacist sex
salary number Pharmacist salary
mobile_tel string Pharmacist mobile_tel
home_tel string Pharmacist home_tel
address string Pharmacist address
email string Pharmacist email
pharmacist_type string Pharmacist type
birthdate string datestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()

PATCH /api/medical_staff/<staff_id>

Edit a medical staff that match staff_id, optional key can be used together.
Body Type Value
firstname string (Optional) Staff firstname
lastname string (Optional) Staff lastname
sex string (Optional) Staff sex
salary number (Optional) Staff salary
mobile_tel string (Optional) Staff mobile_tel
home_tel string (Optional) Staff home_tel
address string (Optional) Staff address
email string (Optional) Staff email

DELETE /api/medical_staff/<staff_id>

Delete a medical staff that match staff_id

GET /api/department

Get department from database  
Query Type Output
None None Get all departments , return an array of object

Object description

    "DepartmentName": string,
    "Location": string,
    "Manager_ID": number,
    "Manager_first_name": string,
    "Manager_last_name": string,
    "Manager_sex": 'Male' | 'Female',
    "Manager_tel": string

POST /api/department

Add department to database  
Body Type Value
name string Department name
location string Department location
manager number staff_id of the manager

GET /api/patient

Get patient from database with / without condition  
Query Type Output
None None Get all patients , return an array of object
id number Get a patient which match id , return a single object

Object description

    "Address": string,
    "Birthdate": datetime string eg. "Sun, 19 May 1985 00:00:00 GMT",
    "Parent_first_name": string,
    "Parent_last_name": string,
    "Parent_phone_number": string,
    "Patient_ID": number,
    "Patient_first_name": string,
    "Patient_last_name": string,
    "Phone_number": string,
    "Sex": 'Male' | 'Female'
    "Allergy_name": Array<string> of allergy

POST /api/patient

Add a patient to the database   
Body Type Value
firstname string Patient firstname
lastname string Patient lastname
sex string 'Male' or 'Female'
birthdate string datestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()
address string Patient address
phone string Patient phone number
parent_firstname string Patient's parent firstname
parent_lastname string Patient's parent lastname
parent_phone string Patient's parent phone
allergy string (Optional) Patient's allergy in comma seperate format eg. 'Peanut allergy,Shrimp'

GET /api/patient/<patient_id>

Get a patient from database which match the patient_id

GET /api/appoint

Get appointments from database, many optional queries can be used together.
Query Type Output
None None Get all appointments , return an array of object
patient_id number (Optional) Get appointments which match patient_id , return an array of object
doctor_id number (Optional) Get appointments which match doctor_id , return an array of object

Object description

    "Appoint_ID": number,
    "Appointment_date": datetime string eg. "Mon, 23 Jul 2018 13:00:00 GMT",
    "Doctor_ID": number,
    "Doctor_email": string,
    "Doctor_first_name": string,
    "Doctor_last_name": string,
    "Doctor_sex": 'Male' | 'Female',
    "Patient_ID": number,
    "Patient_first_name": string,
    "Patient_last_name": string,
    "Patient_sex": 'Male' | 'Female'

POST /api/appoint

Add an appointment
Body Type Value
doctor_id number Staff_ID of the doctor
patient_id number Patient_ID
appoint_date string datetimestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()

PATCH /api/appoint/<appoint_id>

Edit an appointment which match appoint_id
Body Type Value
doctor_id number Staff_ID of the doctor
patient_id number Patient_ID
appoint_date string datetimestring in ISO format from Date.toISOString()

DELETE /api/appoint/<appoint_id>

Delete an appointment

API for medicine

GET /api/medicine

Get medicine from database with / without condition  
Query Type Output
None None Get all medicine , return an array of object
id number Get a medicine which match id , return a single object

Object description

    "Medicine_ID" : number, 
    "Medicnie_name": string,
    "Quantity": number,
    "Exp_date":  datetime string eg. "Fri, 26 Apr 1991 00:00:00 GMT"

POST /api/medicine/

Add a new medicine
Body Type Value
name string medicine name
quantity number quantity of medicines
exp_date datetime string expiration date of medicine

GET /api/medicine/<medicine_id>

Get a medicine that match medicine_id  

DELETE /api/medicine/<medicine_id>

Delete a medicine that match medicine_id

Refill Medicine /api/medicine/refill

Refill a medicine
Body Type Value
medicine_id number id of medicine
pharmacist_id number is of pharmacist
quantity number Quantity of medicine

POST /api/medicine/perscribe

Perscribe a medicine to patient
Body Type Value
medicine_id number Medicine ID
quantity number Medicine's quantity
doctor_id number Doctor ID
patient_id number Patient ID

GET /api/medicine/perscibe

Get a persription info. (query can combine together)
Query Type Output
medicine_id number Get all Perscription match to medicine_id, Return array of object
doctor_id number Get all Perscription match to doctor_id, Return array of object
patient_id number Get all Perscription match to patient_id, Return array of object

Object Description

    'Medicine_ID': number ,
    'Patient_ID': number, 
    'Doctor_ID': number, 
    'Quantity' : number, 
    'Perscribe_date : datetime string eg. "Fri, 26 Apr 1991 00:00:00 GMT"'

API for Treatment

GET /api/treatment/

Get a persription info. (query can combine together)
Query Type Output
doctor_id number Get all Treatment match to doctor_id, Return array of object
patient_id number Get all Treatment match to patient_id, Return array of object

POST /api/treatment

new treatment
Body Type Value
doctor_id number Doctor ID
patient_id number Patient ID
cost number Total cost
symptom string Description

PATCH /api/treatment/<treatment_id>

Edit a treatment which match treatment_id
Body Type Value
doctor_id number Staff_ID of the doctor
patient_id number Patient_ID
cost number Total cost
symptom string Description

DELETE /api/treatment/<treatment_id>

Delete a treatment that match treatment_id


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
