- 1
Error when modifying planting date
#181 opened by cgalea15 - 1
Crop type
#173 opened by Rimagination - 2
#178 opened by prasvenk83 - 1
Very low yields ate a shorter duration
#168 opened by razan-el - 2
installation problem inside Aqua Crop
#179 opened by anj-ML - 2
- 3
- 0
- 3
Change irrigation mode
#87 opened by pzw28 - 1
Deprecation package updates
#135 opened by florentdemelezi - 0
NameError: name 'optimize' is not defined
#108 opened by 123eye - 1
Installation fails with Python 3.12+
#166 opened by fer-rum - 2
- 1
- 2
Aquacrop runtime error
#156 opened by 1150376430 - 2
How to export a simulation result file
#155 opened by 1150376430 - 2
- 2
irrigation demand
#153 opened by qianweihao - 2
importerror (outdated PyPi?)
#51 opened by feefladder - 4
Generate Irrigation Schedule
#129 opened by iliasmachairas - 0
installation error
#124 opened by MunsakaPKM - 4
How to solve not enough growing degree days in simulation to reach maturity?
#111 opened by Rachael001l - 2
Irrigation schedule is not calculated correctly.
#110 opened by YuqiLiunx - 1
- 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aquacrop.solution.solution_root_zone_water'
#103 opened by linfranc983 - 6
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aquacrop.solution.solution_root_zone_water'
#84 opened by SoothingMist - 2
update notebooks
#62 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
- 1
minor edits to the compilation code
#70 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
Correction to Notebook 2
#90 opened by SoothingMist - 1
The issue of the InitialWaterContent
#94 opened by xhb-fortunate - 0
change net irrigation requirement to RAW
#41 opened by thomasdkelly - 0
add precipitation to flux and final outputs
#54 opened by thomasdkelly - 0
snake and camel case
#57 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
forum down
#67 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
Don't have the silt stress
#100 opened by xhb-fortunate - 0
Groundwater table never change
#99 opened by qiyang77 - 0
where is the calculate function?
#92 opened by xhb-fortunate - 1
multi layer custom soil bug
#71 opened by thomasdkelly - 19
Effect from ground water table depth seems unstable
#48 opened by halla - 0
- 3
KeyError when updating season_counter
#77 opened by samaranin - 1
Compilation inside Docker: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aquacrop.solution.solution_root_zone_water'
#74 opened by charalamm - 0
update docstrings within
#37 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
data structures/ namedtuples / structrefs
#36 opened by thomasdkelly - 1
Multiple custom soil layers result different yield estimation compared with that of the original application
#50 opened by nuds-zhao - 1
create script to read in windows AquaCrop input files and convert into python inputs
#39 opened by thomasdkelly - 8
attempt to compile AOT function fails
#40 opened by rbavery - 0
- 0