
An on-chain music registry system based on acoustic fingerprints using ETH and IPFS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RLP Records

Alright so here's a fun idea:

An audio registry system that uses acoustic fingerprinting algorithms to create a fingerprint for a given digital audio file's content and then writes that fingerprint and associated identifying metadata data to a file stored within an immutable distributed file system (IPFS) that is linked to a non-fungible token within a separate immutable digital ledger (ETH).



How It Works

This is a prototype but you can see the flow of creating a record in the figure below.

There are three areas of the RLP Records app: the RecordKit, RecordPress and RecordStack.

  • RecordKit is responsible for drafting Records to release
  • RecordPress is responsible for uploading and creating NFTs for Record drafts
  • RecordStack is where a user can see all their Records

You can read more about the idea here too!

Getting Started

RLP Records concept is composed of three parts:

  1. webclient: React Frontend Client
  2. blockchain: ETH Hardhat Solidity Project
  3. lib/contracts Shared Contract Artifacts NPM Package
  4. api: Django Backend API

Each of these projects are compartmentalized and can be developed individually with an accompanied README.md in each folder.

You will need to follow the setup instructions in each folder in order to get started, and then you can run the root Makefile containing all the commands you need to run it.


  • python & pip
  • docker
  • node, npm, yarn
  • hardhat
  • ipfs (specifically for --offline development)