
A gameplay-focused C++17/20 coroutine implementation for Unreal Engine 5.

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear


These plugins implement C++ coroutines for Unreal Engine 5 with a focus on gameplay logic and BP integration.


You're looking at UE5Coro 1. UE5Coro 2.0 is on a different branch.


Download the release that you wish to use from the Releases page, and copy the contents of its Plugins folder into your project's Plugins folder. Done correctly, you should end up with YourProject\Plugins\UE5Coro\UE5Coro.uplugin.

Note that 1.8 and earlier versions had a different folder structure. Refer to the README.md file from your chosen release for matching instructions.

Project setup

Depending on your targeted language/engine version, you might need additional setup to enable coroutines in your compiler:


In your Target.cs files for projects where you wish to use coroutines, add this line:

bEnableCppCoroutinesForEvaluation = true;

Potential UE5.1 bug: if you're building the engine from source and it seems to be rebuilding itself for no reason once you've done the Target.cs change above, edit TargetRules.cs in the engine instead so that this flag is true by default.

C++20, BuildSettingsVersion.V3 or older

In modules where you wish to use coroutines, add or change this line in the corresponding Build.cs file:

CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Cpp20;

C++20, BuildSettingsVersion.V4

No additional setup is required.


The UE5Coro plugin containing core functionality is enabled by default. Reference the "UE5Coro" module from your Build.cs as you would any other module and #include "UE5Coro.h".

Other plugins, such as UE5CoroAI, UE5CoroGAS need to be manually enabled and referenced normally: e.g., "UE5CoroAI" in Build.cs, #include "UE5CoroAI.h" in your code. All UE5Coro plugins follow this pattern of providing a single header.

Using these meta-headers is the recommended and supported approach. You may opt to IWYU the various smaller headers, but no guidance is given as to which feature requires which header. IDEs most commonly used with Unreal Engine are known to fail to suggest the correct header for some features.

Feature overview

Click these links for the detailed description of the main features provided by these plugins, or keep reading for a few highlights.


  • Async coroutines control their own resumption by awaiting various awaiter objects. They can be used to implement BP latent actions such as Delay, or as a generic fork in code execution like AsyncTask, but not necessarily involving multithreading.
  • Generators are caller-controlled and return a variable number of results without having to allocate and go through a temporary TArray.
  • Overview of built-in awaiters that you can use with async coroutines.



Async coroutine examples

Return UE5Coro::TCoroutine<> from a function to make it coroutine enabled and support co_await inside. UFUNCTIONs need to use the FAsyncCoroutine wrapper.

Having a FLatentActionInfo parameter makes the coroutine implement a BP latent action. You do not need to do anything with this parameter, just have it and UE5Coro will register it with the latent action manager. World context objects are also supported and automatically processed. It's recommended to have them as the first parameter. Don't forget the necessary UFUNCTION metadata to make this a latent node in BP!

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Meta = (Latent, LatentInfo = "LatentInfo"))
FAsyncCoroutine AExampleActor::Latent(FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
    // This will *not* block the game thread for a second!
    co_await UE5Coro::Latent::Seconds(1.0);

The returned struct has no use in BP and is automatically hidden: AExampleActor::Latent as a BP node

You're not limited to BP latent actions, or UCLASS members:

UE5Coro::TCoroutine<> MyGlobalHelperFunction()
    co_await UE5Coro::Latent::Seconds(1.0);

Or even regular functions:

void Example(int Value)
    auto Lambda = [Value]() -> UE5Coro::TCoroutine<int>
        co_await UE5Coro::Tasks::MoveToTask();
        co_return PerformExpensiveTask(Value);
    int ExpensiveResult = Lambda().GetResult();

Both BP latent actions and free-running asynchronous coroutines have a unified feature set: you can seamlessly co_await the same things from both and if needed, your BP latent action becomes a threading placeholder or additional behind-the-scenes latent actions are started as needed.

BP Latent actions are considered complete for BP when control leaves the scope of the coroutine body completely, either implicitly (running to the final }) or explicitly via co_return;.

Asynchronous coroutines (in both modes) synchronously return to their callers at the first co_await or co_return that they encounter and the rest of the function body runs either independently (in async mode) or through the latent action manager (in latent mode).

Everything co_awaitable works in every asynchronous coroutine, regardless of its BP integration:

using namespace UE5Coro;

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Meta = (Latent, LatentInfo = "LatentInfo"))
FAsyncCoroutine UExampleFunctionLibrary::K2_Foo(FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo)
    // You can freely hop between threads even though this is BP:
    co_await Async::MoveToThread(ENamedThreads::AnyBackgroundThreadNormalTask);

    // However, awaiting latent actions has to be started from the game thread:
    co_await Async::MoveToGameThread();
    co_await Latent::Seconds(1.0f);

There are various other engine features with coroutine support including some engine types that are made directly co_awaitable in TCoroutines. Check out the Awaiters page for an overview.

Generator examples

Generators can be used to return an arbitrary number of items from a function without having to pass them through temp arrays, etc. In C# they're known as iterators.

Returning UE5Coro::TGenerator<T> makes a function coroutine enabled, supporting co_yield:

using namespace UE5Coro;

TGenerator<FString> MakeParkingSpaces(int Num)
    for (int i = 1; i <= Num; ++i)
        co_yield FString::Printf(TEXT("🅿️ %d"), i);

// Elsewhere
for (const FString& Str : MakeParkingSpaces(123))

co_yield and co_await cannot be mixed. Asynchronous coroutines control their own execution and wait for certain events, while generators are caller-controlled and yield values on demand.

In particular, it's not guaranteed that your generator function body will even run to completion if your caller decides to stop early. This enables scenarios where generators may co_yield an infinite number of elements and callers only taking a finite few:

using namespace UE5Coro;

TGenerator<int> NotTrulyInfinite()
    FString WillBeDestroyed = TEXT("Read on");
    int* Dangerous = new int;
    for (;;)
        co_yield 1;
    delete Dangerous;

// Elsewhere:
TGenerator<int> Generator = NotTrulyInfinite();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

In this case, your coroutine stack will be unwound when the TGenerator object is destroyed, and the destructors of locals within the coroutine run like usual, as if the last co_yield was a throw (but no exceptions are involved).

In the example above, the FString will be freed but the delete line will never run. Use RAII or helpers such as ON_SCOPE_EXIT if you expect to not run to completion.