
A maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses gofpdf. Fast and simple.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Maroto GoDoc Travis Code Coverage Go Report Card

A Maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses Gofpdf. Fast and simple.

Maroto definition: Brazilian expression, means an astute/clever/intelligent person.

You can write your PDFs like you are creating a site using Bootstrap. A Row may have many Cols, and a Col may have many components. Besides that, pages will be added when content may extrapolate the useful area. You can define a header which will be added always when a new page appear, in this case, a header may have many rows, lines or tablelist.


  • With go get:
go get -u github.com/johnfercher/maroto
  • With dep:
dep ensure -add github.com/johnfercher/maroto



  • RegisterFooter
  • Increase Code Coverage
  • Create a custom mock with better assertions



Here is the pdf generated.



func main() {
	m := maroto.NewMaroto(maroto.Portrait, maroto.A4)

	byteSlices, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("assets/images/gopher2.png")

	base64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(byteSlices)

	header, contents := getContents()

	m.RegisterHeader(func() {

		// Image, Barcode and QrCode
		m.Row(20, func() {
			m.Col(func() {
				m.Base64Image(base64, maroto.Png, &maroto.RectProp{
					Percent: 85,


			m.Col(func() {
				m.QrCode("https://github.com/johnfercher/maroto", &maroto.RectProp{
					Percent: 75,

			m.Col(func() {
				id := "123456789"
				_ = m.Barcode(id, &maroto.RectProp{
					Percent: 70,
				m.Text(id, &maroto.TextProp{
					Size:  8,
					Align: maroto.Center,
					Top:   17,


		// Image and Old License
		m.Row(12, func() {
			m.Col(func() {
				m.FileImage("assets/images/gopher1.jpg", nil)


			m.Col(func() {
				m.Text("PDFGenerator: Maroto", &maroto.TextProp{
					Top: 4,
				m.Text("Type: Easy & Fast", &maroto.TextProp{
					Top: 10,


			m.Col(func() {
				m.Text("GPL3", &maroto.TextProp{
					Size:  16,
					Style: maroto.Bold,
					Top:   8,


		// Features
		m.Row(22, func() {
			m.Col(func() {
				m.Text("Grid System", &maroto.TextProp{
					Size:  18,
					Style: maroto.Bold,
					Align: maroto.Center,
					Top:   9,
				m.Text("Bootstrap Like + Úñîçòdë", &maroto.TextProp{
					Size:  12,
					Align: maroto.Center,
					Top:   17,



	m.TableList(header, contents, nil)

	// Signatures
	m.Row(30, func() {
		m.Col(func() {
			m.Signature("Signature 1", nil)

		m.Col(func() {
			m.Signature("Signature 2", nil)

		m.Col(func() {
			m.Signature("Signature 3", nil)

	_ = m.OutputFileAndClose("maroto.pdf")