The following is a simple REST API that authorizes requests using OAuth 2.0 Bearer tokens.
Each commit on the presentation
branch correlates to
the steps necessary to go from an unsecured REST API to the completed product.
To use, simply start up the Keycloak Authorization Server:
cd etc
docker-compose up
And the start up the resource server:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
You can obtain a token using the client credentials grant:
export TOKEN=`http :9999/token "client_id=client" "client_secret=secret" "grant_type=client_credentials" | jq -r .token`
And then query the endpoint:
http :8080/resolutions "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Add a resolution:
echo -n "Run for president" | http :8080/resolution
And complete it:
http PUT :8080/resolution/219168d2-1da4-4f8a-85d8-95b4377af3c1/complete