
Primary LanguagePython


snø is an esolang I've made for Truttle1's 2023 esojam!

It is a 2D, stack-based esolang of which the IP can only go in diagonal directions

To run main.sn just type python snø.py, if you want to run another file, use python snø.py path/to/file.sn


The interpreter ignores every other character than these, making them no-op

The IP's (@) default direction is bottom left

IP direction commands

Arrow Direction
/ Bottom Left
\ Bottom Right
§ Random

Main commands

Command Description
@ IP starting point
0-F Push the corrisponding hex number as an integer
! Pop the last value
I Push user input (1 byte)
O Output the last value to the console then pop it
} Swap the last two values
$ Reverse the whole stack
: Duplicate the top value
+ Add last two values together, leaving only the result
- Subtract last two values together, leaving only the result
* Multiply last two values together, leaving only the result
| Divide last two values together, leaving only the result
^ Raise last two values together, leaving only the result
% Modulo last two values together, leaving only the result
~ NOR bitwise operator (you can make any bitwise operator with this!)
Y If number is non-zero, set direction to bottom left, set to bottom right otherwise
& End program

snø's arithmetic is NOS × TOS, meaning that it will duplicate the 2nd value on the stack by the last value on the stack

Example programs

Here are some example programs! There are a lot of them (send help they spawn every single nanosecond I breathe)

1-byte cat


Demonstration of Y


Addition calculator


Weird things

This code doesn't run


The IP somehow cannot find the @ so it just gives up

Unicode input

Take the cat program and now put an unicode character such as 🍊, the output will be "ð"