Library providing :
- Mutual methods and functions that can be used by any fty-agent
To build fty-common project run:
./ [clean]
make check # to run self-test
In the main .h file add #include <fty_common.h>
In the main .h file add #include <fty_common_base.h>
The following macros are defined :
- #define STR(X) #X
- #define streq(s1,s2) (!strcmp ((s1), (s2))) (if not already set)
Add this bloc in the project.xml file :
<use project = "fty-common" libname = "libfty_common" header="fty_common.h"
repository = ""
release = "master" >
<use project = "fty-common-logging" libname = "libfty_common_logging" header="fty_log.h"
repository = ""
release = "master"
test = "fty_common_logging_selftest" >
<use project = "log4cplus" header = "log4cplus/logger.h" test = "appender_test"
repository = ""
release = "1.1.2-FTY-master"
The header value must be change from fty_common.h to fty_common_base.h for C project.
In this use section, remove the dependecy already needed byt the agent/library.