
Realtime templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Realtime templating language

In fin, if you say

	<span> Name: (( name )) </span>
	<br/>(( Input name ))

then "name" in the span will update at every key stroke in the name Input. On all computers.

Getting started on OS X 10.6

Fin is alpha, unversioned and unstable. It is currently developed and tested only on OS X 10.6.

sudo make install-node #install node v0.1.29
make deps #download all js dependencies
make run-couchdbx #run fin using a local instance of couchdbx
# Fire up a browser and navigate to localhost/path/to/fin/examples

If you already have couchdb running on localhost:5555, replace make run-couchdbx with make run

To get fin to run on OS X 10.5 you'd probably only need to replace the reference to CouchDBX for OS X 10.6 with the version for OS X 10.5 in Makefile

Using fin - API

Get a view of an item var viewEl = fin.getView('

(( task.dueDate ))
', 'item-id') document.body.appendChild(viewEl)

Get a view of an array (a list) fin.getView('

(( List names ))
', 'item-id')

Create an input field for an item property fin.getView('

(( name ))
(( Input name ))
', 'item-id')

Under the hood - Get an item by id var item = fin.getItem('itemId')

Under the hood - Add a dependant to the user's current task's date. The function will be called right away and when the value changes item.addDependant('user.currentTask.date', function(value){ /* render or do something with value */ })

Upcoming API

Get a view using multiple items (not yet supported) fin.getView('

(( user.task.dueDate ))
(( message.sender.name ))', { user: userItem, message: messageItem })

Get a view of a list of items by properties (not yet supported) var topPriorityBugsList = fin.getListView('

(( priority )) Owner: (( owner.name ))
, { type: 'bug', priority: 1 })

Writing custom fin views

You can write your own views (e.g. Input, List, Value) by adding them to js/browser/views/NAME.js Value, for example, goes something like

See view files in fin/js/browser/views/

Running tests

To run the tests make run-tests

Developing fin

To check out editable versions of dependencies make edit-init

To have tests fun automatically every time you change a file make edit-init make monitor-tests