
A simple package to control widgets based on user privileges

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A simple package to control widgets based on user privileges. Choose what users can interact based on plan, roles or any other condition.

🚀 Getting Started

1. Add grant to your pubspec.yaml.

name: your_flutter_app
    sdk: flutter

2. Create permissions that extends PermissionBase

class CanChat extends PermissionBase {}
class CanCreateTeams extends PermissionBase {}

3. Put GrantAccess somewhere in the widget tree

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        navigatorKey: _navigatorKey,
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        home: GrantAccess(
          child: YourApp()

4. Use GrantAccess.storeOf to update your user permissions

From anywhere in your app


5. Enable or disable features using these widgets

    child: CanSee(
    permissions: [CanChat()],
    child: ChatButton()

CanSee will show the child only if user's current permission matches permissions.

    child: CanConsume(
    permissions: [CanCreateTeams()],
    builder: (context, bool allowed){
        return allowed ? CreateTeamButton() : OtherWidget()

CanConsume gives a bool allowed using a builder.