
Generic mapper with reflection in .NET and Firebase

Primary LanguageC#

To Run tests you must:

  1. place your Firebase key json file in folder FireSource.Test\Resources.
  2. update the path in <Content Include="Resources\dummydemo-11dd3-firebase-adminsdk-vp6c5-28b7f0fa93.json"> of FireSource.Test.csproj
  3. update the FireStoreFixture.cs of FireSource.Test project with:
    • correct path to Firebase key json file in constant FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_PATH
    • project id in constant FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID

Run tests with dotnet test --logger "console;verbosity=detailed" to see Console output.

List tests with dotnet test -t

Select tests to run with dotnet test --filter NameOfTheClassTest

Run coverage with:

dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage"
reportgenerator -reports:Project.Tests\TestResults\66e8839d-6844-4b8a-8067-dc9c32abed5d\coverage.cobertura.xml  -targetdir:coverage