A crawler for articles of wordpress
npm install wordpress-posts-crawler --save-dev
@param {object} opts - options
@param {string} opts.url - Url of blog (wordpress) that you want to crawl the lists.
@returns {ArticleShallow}
import wordpress from 'wordpress-posts-crawler'
let articles = await wordpress.findAll({ url: 'http://path/to/wordpress/category/list/' })
// expect array
@param {object} opts - options
@param {string} opts.url - Url of article that you want to crawl the detail.
@returns {Article}
import wordpress from 'wordpress-posts-crawler'
let article = await wordpress.find({ url: 'http://path/to/wordpress/post/id' })
// expect object
@interface ArticleShallow
@prop {string} url - Url of article
@prop {string} published - Published of article (format ISO8601)
@prop {string} title - Title of article
@interface Article
@prop {string} url - Url of article
@prop {string} published - Published of article (format ISO8601)
@prop {string} title - Title of article
@prop {string[]} address - Tawian Address format
@prop {string} cover - Url
@prop {string} body - HTML
@prop {string[]} images - Url
vi src/index.js
npm test
npm run build
git commit -m 'dev'
npm test