- 0
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- 2
how to use stft like scipy.signal "f, t, tf_data = signal.stft(wavedata, fs=fs, window='hamming', nperseg=N_fft, noverlap=int(N_fft*0.8))"? Now we cannot get f,t value. The tf_data is different from var spectrogram = stft.Spectrogram(discreteSignal, normalize: true).
#78 opened by John1911603424 - 3
Help with realtime resampling
#73 opened by gabrielfreire - 1
FFT compatible with OpenAI Whisper features
#70 opened by roxima - 1
- 4
python speech features fbanks
#86 opened by janjanusek - 1
Order of instruction wrong on wiki page
#84 opened by TrianecT-Wouter - 1
Pitch shifter produces garbled noise
#85 opened by BlueCyro - 9
- 0
PowerSpectrum and Magnitude spectrum missing from FFT64, RealFFT, RealFFT64
#83 opened by ahmed-bauercontrols - 0
- 0
Question: Pitch Patterns
#79 opened by robert-hollamby - 2
- 3
Buggy RLS filter implementation
#77 opened by richardpl - 0
- 1
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- 3
FeatureExtractor ComputeFrom FastCopy bug
#58 opened by ssdesai - 2
Playing saved audio
#57 opened by MAminnn - 4
Can't read output of AudioRecorder Xamarin forms
#56 opened by MAminnn - 5
python_speech_features mfcc vs NWaves mfcc
#53 opened by davidbelle - 2
How to avoid clipping during Concatenate ?
#52 opened by matteofabbri - 1
XML documentation and IntelliSense
#50 opened by luthfiampas - 11
How to get NWaves MFCC data similar to librosa
#48 opened by OrangeOlko - 3
exception on Convolver.convolve function
#49 opened by Azam-Mokhtari - 1
How to set coef of wavelet?
#41 opened by alireza-bina - 5
- 2
Xamarin Android not play wav file
#45 opened by slagusev - 0
how to implement a Notch filter
#42 opened by alireza-bina - 1
creating new wavefile does not normalize data.
#43 opened by hooch21 - 0
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Why are the default lower frequency from FilterBanks.OctaveBands is 62.5?
#36 opened by ToGoOrNotToGo - 4
- 1
size of istft is not same size of input signal
#34 opened by hungcuiga1 - 2
WaveFile class closes the underlying audio stream
#32 opened by cldeba - 6
- 13
IIR filter coefficients generation
#30 opened by apar945 - 2
- 2
Low pass filter returning 0
#28 opened by emepetres - 4
Bandpass frequencies
#27 opened by CodeWithMichal - 1
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- 1
HartleyTransform.Direct has wrong results
#24 opened by ToGoOrNotToGo - 1
RealFft Inverse wrong amplitude
#23 opened by ToGoOrNotToGo - 1