
Gideros plugin for Facebook SDK on Android

Primary LanguageJava

Gideros Facebook plugin for Android

Installation instructions:

  • Download Facebook SDK here: http://developers.facebook.com/android/
  • Facebook SDK installation instructions here: http://developers.facebook.com/android/
    • Download and unzip
    • Import SDK into eclipse (Note you need to import it in workspace and check copy all files)
  • Export Gideros project to Android project
  • Import Android project to eclipse (Note you need to import it in workspace and check copy all files or Facebook SDK won't work)
  • Link Facebook SDK to your project:
    • Right click on your project
    • Select properties
    • Choose Android
    • In library section click Add and choose FacebookSDK
    • If it's not there or not linking properly, it means that you haven't imported FacebookSDK into eclipse or it's not in your workspace or your project is not in your workspace
  • Copy contents of FacebookPlugin.zip into your project:
    • Copy .so files to each separate armeabi folder
    • Copy facebook folder to src/giderosmobile/android/plugins folder
  • Inside your main activity:
    • Add lib as System.loadLibrary("facebook");
    • Add external class as "com.giderosmobile.android.plugins.facebook.GFacebook"
  • Clean and launch the app, if it does not work, come and complain here, because I may have also screwed something up :)