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bazel rules

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This repository contains Bazel rules to install and manipulate Helm charts with Bazel.

This repo implements the following bazel rules: helm_chart helm_push helm_release sops_decrypt k8s_namespace


These rules generate new helm packages with specific values for each development version of your application and push generated helm packages to a provided helm chart museum.

Important notes

Helm v3 is now supported.

helm_release rule will check if tiller is installed in your cluster to decide which version of helm to use (v2 or v3). If the rule can't find any deployed tiller in your cluster, it will use helm v3 by default. To look up for any installed tiller in your cluster, the rule will use tiller_namespace attribute value.

You can force the use of helm v2 or helm v3 using helm_version attribute (set to v2, or v3).

Getting started

In your Bazel WORKSPACE file, after the rules_docker, add this repository as a dependency and invoke repositories helper method:

    name = "com_github_masmovil_bazel_rules",
    # tag = "0.2.2",
    commit = "commit-ref",
    remote = "https://github.com/masmovil/bazel-rules.git",

    mm_repositories = "repositories",

After the intial setup, you can use the rules including them in your BUILD files:

load("@com_github_masmovil_bazel_rules//helm:helm.bzl", "helm_chart", "helm_push", "helm_release")

    name = "my_chart",
    srcs = glob(["**"]),

    name = "my_chart_push",
    srcs = glob(["**"]),

    name = "my_chart_push",

These rules use yq library to perform substitions in helm YAML templates. The binaries are preloaded by this rule using bazel toolchains, so you don't need have yq available in your path.

Helm rules


You can use helm_chart rule to create a new helm package. Before creating the helm package, the rule can replace some specific values of your app: the image tag value, the image repository and the helm package version of the application. The image can be provided either by image_tag attribute as string/make variable or by a image label attribute. The image attribute has to be a label that specify a docker image bazel rule. This rule will extract the digest (sha256) automatically from that image, and reference that sha256 as the image tag of the helm package. The rule creates a tar.gz file in the bazel output directory. The name of the generated tar.gz will be the package_name.

Example of use:

  name = "flex_package",
  srcs = glob(["**"]),
  image  = "//docker/flex:flex", // Reference to the docker image rule to extract the digest sha256 from
  package_name = "flex", // name of the helm package. This will be the name of the generated tar.gz helm package
  values_tag_yaml_path = ".base.k8s.deployment.image.tag", // yaml Path of the image tag in the values.yaml files
  helm_chart_version = "0.1.1"

You can reference other helm packages defined with helm_chart rules as helm dependencies of this package. The output of helm_chart dependencies will be added to the generated output tar into the charts directory.

  chart_deps = [

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
srcs yes - Chart source files. Must be a list of bazel labels (or a glob pattern) containing the path where the helm chart files and values are placed. Just one helm package should placed under srcs files.
image no - Label referencing another bazel rule that implements docker container image rule. This attr is used to obtain the digest of the built docker image and use it as the docker image tag of the application.
image_tag no - Fixed image tag value that will be used in the deployment. It can contain a string (e.g master), or the key of a make variable if is included in curly braces (e.g {GIT_COMMIT}). If a make variable format is used, the variable has to be provided through the --define method. Note: This attribute is an alternative to the image attribute if you want to provide a "fixed" image tag of your application instead of using a bazel rule to generate the docker image of your app. If you specify both, image attribute has preferenece.
package_name yes - The name of the helm package. It must be the same name that was defined in the Chart.yaml
helm_chart_version no 1.0.0 Used to replace the Chart.yaml version of the helm package. It has to be defined following the semver nomenclature. Support make variables if the attribute is placed inside curly braces (e.g {HELM_VERSION}) and stamped variables using the following nomenclature: ${HELM_VERSION}
app_version no helm_chart_version Used to replace the Chart.yaml appVersion of the helm package, defaulting to traditional behavior of equaling the helm_chart_version if not given. A freeform value should be fine, but following the semver nomenclature is recommended. Support make variables if the attribute is placed inside curly braces (e.g {APP_VERSION} but not {APP_VERSION}-some-suffix) and stamped variables using the following nomenclature: ${APP_VERSION}
image_repository no - The url of the docker registry where the docker image is stored. This is usually where the image.repository points to in the values.yaml file
values_repo_yaml_path no image.repository The yaml path (expressed in dot notation) of values.yaml where the key of the image repository is defined in the values.yaml.
values_tag_yaml_path no image.tag The yaml path (expressed in dot notation) of values.yaml where the key of the image tag is defined in the values.yaml
chart_deps no - Helm chart dependencies of this rules. Defined as a list of dependencies of other helm_chart rules (bazel targets).
additional_templates no [] List of labels or files to be added to the templates/ folder of the chart. Useful for centralizing common templates and pass them around different charts.

Use of make_variables

image_tag and helm_chart_version attributes support make variables. Make variables are provided to bazel through the --define argument. To enable make variables, string values have to be inside curly braces image_tag="{GIT_SHA}".

bazel build //... --define GIT_SHA="ab2cxc4z9"

  image_tag  = "{GIT_SHA}",

Use of stamp variables

You can specify volatile variables in any attribute using the following sintaxis: ${} e.g:

  helm_chart_version = "${VERSION}",

These variables have to be "exported" by the status.sh file defined in your project root dir.


helm_push is used to publish new helm packages to a predefined chart museum repository. The rule will take a helm package (targz) and make a POST request to the defined chart museum, publishing the package to a helm registry.

This rule is an executable. It needs run instead of build to be invoked.

It authenticates against chart museum api using basic auth, so valid username and password have to be provided.

Example of use:

  name = "flex_push",
  chart  = ":flex_package",
  repository_name = "masmovil",
  repository_url = "https://chartsapiurl.com/",
  repository_username = "{HELM_REPO_US}",
  repository_password = "{HELM_REPO_PASS}",

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
chart yes - Chart package (targz). Must be a label that specifies where the helm package file (Chart.yaml) is. It accepts the path of the targz file (that bazel will resolve to the file) or the label to a target rule that generates a helm package as output (helm_chart rule).
repository_name true - The name of the chart museum repository
repository_url true - The url of the the chart museum repository. IMPORTANT: The url must end with slash /
repository_username true - The username to login in to the chart museum registry using basic auth. It supports the use of make_variables
repository_password true - The password to login in to the chart museum registry using basic auth. It supports the use of make_variables


helm_release is used to create and deploy a new release in a Kubernetes Cluster.

Helm 3 and Helm 2 are supported.

This rule is an executable. It needs run instead of build to be invoked.

It relies in existing local kubernetes config (~/.kube/config).

Example of use:

    name = "chart_install",
    chart = ":chart",
    namespace_name = "myapp",
    tiller_namespace = "tiller-system",
    release_name = "release-name",
    values_yaml = glob(["charts/myapp/values.yaml"]),
    kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",

Example of use with k8s_namespace:

  name = "test-namespace",
  namespace_name = "test-namespace",
  kubernetes_sa = "test-kubernetes-sa",
  kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",
    name = "chart_install",
    chart = ":chart",
    namespace_dep = ":test-namespace",
    tiller_namespace = "tiller-system",
    release_name = "release-name",
    values_yaml = glob(["charts/myapp/values.yaml"]),
    kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
chart yes - Chart package (targz). Must be a label that specifies where the helm package file (Chart.yaml) is. It accepts the path of the targz file (that bazel will resolve to the file) or the label to a target rule that generates a helm package as output (helm_chart rule).
namespace false default Namespace name literal where this release is installed to. It supports the use of stamp_variables.
namespace_dep false - Namespace where this release is installed to. Must be a label to a k8s_namespace rule. It takes precedence over namespace
tiller_namespace false kube-system Namespace where Tiller lives in the Kubernetes Cluste. It supports the use of stamp_variables. Unnecessary using helm v3
release_name yes - Name of the Helm release. It supports the use of stamp_variables
values_yaml no - Several values files can be passed when installing release
helm_version no "" Force the use of helm v2 or v3 to deploy the release. The attribute can be set to v2 or v3
kubernetes_context no "" Context of kubernetes cluster

Sops rules

Decrypting secrets using sops is now supported.

To install sops_decrypt rule, import in your BUILD.bazel

load("@com_github_masmovil_bazel_rules//sops:sops.bzl", "sops_decrypt")


You can decrypt as many secrets as you want using sops_decrypt rule. Use the rule attribute src to provide the encrypted secrets that you want to decrypt. The rule also needs the sops config file with the keyring id in order to decrypt files (.sops.yaml). You can provide it using the sops_yaml rule attribute.

Example of use:

    name = "decrypt_secret_files",
    srcs = [":secrets.yaml"]
    sops_yaml = ":.sops.yaml"

You can specify which provider integration you want to use (gcp KMS, azure key vault etc.) through the provider attribute.

  • For the moment only gcp KMS is supported

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
src yes - One or more labels pointing to the secret files to decrypt. It accepts a glob pattern.
sops_yaml yes - One label referencing the .sops.yaml yaml with the sops config. 
provider false "gcp_kms" The provider integration used to decrypt/encrypt the secrets.

The output of the rule are the decrypted secrets that you can pass to helm_release.

Example of use:

    name = "decrypt_secret_files",
    srcs = [":secrets.yaml"]
    sops_yaml = ":.sops.yaml"

    name = "chart_install",
    chart = ":chart",
    namespace = "myapp",
    tiller_namespace = "tiller-system",
    release_name = "release-name",
    values_yaml = glob(["charts/myapp/values.yaml"]) + [":decrypt_secret_files"],
    kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",

Env variables are supported by using --action_env flag running sops_decrypt rules. This is usefull in scenarios where you need to provide default credentials for cloud services (gcp kms, aws kms).


# GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable needs to be predefined
bazel build :decrypt_secret_files --action_env=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS


bazel build :decrypt_secret_files --action_env=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=${HOME}/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

K8s rules

Import in your BUILD.bazel

load("@com_github_masmovil_bazel_rules//k8s:k8s.bzl", "k8s_namespace")


k8s_namespace is used to create a new namespace. You can also configure GKE Workload Identity with it.

Example of use:

    name = "namespace",
    namespace_name = "ft-sesame-${DEPLOY_BRANCH}",
    kubernetes_sa = "default",
    gcp_sa_project = "mm-odissey-dev",
    gcp_sa = "odissey-dev@mm-odissey-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
    gcp_gke_project = "mm-k8s-dev-01",
    workload_identity_namespace = "mm-k8s-dev-01.svc.id.goog",
    kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",

You can use k8s_namespace in combination with helm_release trough napesmace_dep attribute.

Example of use with helm_release:

  name = "test-namespace",
  namespace_name = "test-namespace",
  kubernetes_sa = "test-kubernetes-sa",
  kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",
    name = "chart_install",
    chart = ":chart",
    namespace_dep = ":test-namespace",
    tiller_namespace = "tiller-system",
    release_name = "release-name",
    values_yaml = glob(["charts/myapp/values.yaml"]),
    kubernetes_context = "mm-k8s-context",

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
namespace_name yes - Name of the namespace to create
kubernetes_sa no - Kubernetes Service Account to associate with Workload Identity. I.E. default It supports the use of stamp_variables.
kubernetes_sa no kube-system Namespace where Tiller lives in the Kubernetes Cluster. It supports the use of stamp_variables.
gcp_sa_project no - GCP project name where Service Account lives. I.E. my-project
gcp_sa no - GCP Service Account. I.E. my-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com
gcp_gke_project no - GKE Project
workload_identity_namespace no - Workload Identity Namespace. I.E. mm-k8s-dev-01.svc.id.goog
kubernetes_context no "" Context of kubernetes cluster

GCS rules

Import in your BUILD.bazel

load("@com_github_masmovil_bazel_rules//gcs:gcs.bzl", "gcs_upload")

Gcloud SDK is required in the system PATH.


gcs_upload is used to upload a single file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket

Example of use:

    name = "push",
    src = ":file",
    destination = "gs://my-bucket/file.zip"

The following attributes are accepted by the rule (some of them are mandatory).

Attribute Mandatory Default Notes
src yes - Source file label
destination yes - Destination path in GCS (in form ofgs://mybucket/file) It supports the use of stamp_variables.